Wind energy quick facts

22 percent wind

Wind energy is expanding

Wind energy is growing in more than 90 countries around the world at an average annual rate of 22 per cent a year. As the cost of building wind farms decreases the growth is expected to increase.

What is a wind farm?

Wind farms are groups of wind turbines placed in the same location for the purpose of generating large amounts of electric power. Several factors are considered before building a wind farm, mainly proximity to people, the likelihood of wind, and accessibility to the power grid.

Where are wind farms located in Canada?

Wind farms are in every province and most territories in Canada. Ontario leads with more than 4,000 MW of capacity and Quebec is right behind them.

Current installed capacity: 11,205 MW

Number of wind farms in Canada: 259

Number of wind turbines in Canada: Approximately 6,066

Canada map
US map

Where are wind farms located in the U.S.?

Most States have wind farms but Texas is the leader with over 17,000 MW of capacity. Iowa and California are next with about 6,000 MW of capacity each.

Current installed capacity: 74,472 MW

Number of wind farms in the U.S.: More than 1,000

Number of wind turbines in the U.S.: More than 52,000

Energy Matters

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