Enbridge Sustain launches SmartFlow—a new system that makes choosing a cleaner energy solution easy for Ontario homeowners.
New Canadian federal government legislation, amending the Competition Act, effectively silences the informed dialogue Canadians need about our energy and economic future
Canadian Prairies women in operations: Jenny

Jenny, an electrician by trade, works as a maintenance planning supervisor with our Liquids Pipelines group. &ldquoWorking with my hands, that’s who I am—at home and at work. And if that’s something that drives you, that you’re passionate about, then Enbridge would be a place for you,” she says.

The Enbridge Energy Dashboards
Energy heats homes. It cooks food. It powers industry. It empowers society. It helps build and shape the world around us.

We safely connect millions of people around the world to the energy they rely on, every day, through our four core businesses. These rotating dashboards offer a real-time look at what we’re doing today to fuel quality of life.

Putting our community investment strategy on the map
For investors
Aspen Point Program
Westcoast Energy, an Enbridge company, is proposing an expansion of the T-North section of its BC Pipeline to serve growing regional demand for natural gas and potential West Coast LNG exports.

The project will provide up to 535 MMcf/d of new transportation capacity on T-North. The BC Pipeline has been the backbone of the province’s natural gas industry since 1957.

Ridgeline Expansion Project Opportunity
Enbridge is proud to be working with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on a project that would provide affordable and cleaner energy for the utility’s customers.

We are proposing to design, construct and operate the Ridgeline Expansion Project (Ridgeline), an expansion of Enbridge’s existing East Tennessee Natural Gas (ETNG) system.

Sunrise Expansion Program
Westcoast Energy, an Enbridge company, is proposing an expansion of the T-South section of its BC Pipeline to serve growing regional demand for natural gas and potential West Coast LNG exports.

The Project will provide up to 300 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of additional natural gas transportation capacity on T-South. The BC Pipeline has been the backbone of the province’s natural gas industry since 1957.

Woodfibre LNG
Woodfibre LNG will help reduce the world’s greenhouse gas emissions by expanding global access to natural gas, displacing coal in power generation.

This 2.1 million-tonne-per-year LNG export facility will have 250,000 m3 of floating storage capacity and be based near Squamish, BC.

Calvados Offshore Wind Project
Enbridge and its partners, EDF Renewables and wpd, are developing the project off the coast of Bessin, France.

The 448-megawatt (MW) wind farm will feature 64 7-MW Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) turbines to be manufactured in France. The turbines will come from the same Quai, Joannes Couvert plant where SGRE made turbines for our Fécamp offshore wind project.

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An interactive experience: Our North American assets map

Check out our interactive map encompassing the full scope of Enbridge's North American energy infrastructure—oil and gas pipelines, wind farms, solar projects, distribution systems, and more.

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