At Enbridge we value the safety of our employees, contractors, and the public and we believe that all safety events are preventable. This shared belief drives us to be vigilant and proactive about safety in our decisions, actions and interactions.
Enbridge is on a Path to Zero; zero-injuries and safety events. In support of this commitment, in 2011 we established our Lifesaving Rules for all Enbridge employees and contractors to follow.
Each of the seven Lifesaving Rules focuses on an area of high risk and high consequence, and was developed in response to a real-life safety events at Enbridge and in the energy industry that resulted in the fatality of an employee or a contractor in the line of duty.
The Lifesaving Rules are about safety, not discipline. Our first course of action is to complete a thorough investigation whenever we believe a Lifesaving Rule may have been broken. This is in keeping with our values of Integrity, Safety, Respect, Inclusion and High Performance, and with our desire to create a just safety culture at Enbridge in which we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.
It is only after our investigation is complete that we determine what discipline, if any, is appropriate. As with any violation of Enbridge policy or procedure, termination is and must be a potential disciplinary outcome.
The Lifesaving Rules apply to everyone at Enbridge and compliance is mandatory. Employees or contractors who choose not to follow the Lifesaving Rules are choosing not to work for Enbridge.
LSR #1
Hazard Management
I will complete a hazard assessment prior to starting work and reassess if conditions change and new hazards are introduced.
LSR #2
Driving Safety
I will only operate a motor vehicle or mobile equipment when free from the adverse effects of alcohol or any substance that causes impairment.
LSR #3
Confined Space Entry
I will confirm the atmosphere has been tested, is monitored and a plan is in place prior to entering a confined space.
LSR #4
Ground Disturbance
I will verify the location of buried utilities through surface locating and positive identification prior to conducting a mechanical excavation.
LSR #5
Isolation of Energized Systems
I will verify isolation and zero energy before work begins on energized or pressurized systems (Lockout/Tag-Out).
LSR #6
Reporting of Safety Related Events
I will immediately report significant safety-related events.
LSR #7
Bypassing Safety Controls
I will obtain authorization before overriding or disabling safety-critical equipment or controls.