The project will supply 240,000 Dth/d of natural gas from Texas Eastern’s Line 40, with ultimate delivery to Venture Global’s Plaquemines LNG facility in Plaquemines Parish, LA.
Gator Express Meter Project
The Gator Express Meter Project efficiently expands Texas Eastern’s existing infrastructure and transportation capacity to serve Venture Global’s Plaquemines LNG export facility.
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP (“Texas Eastern”) proposes to construct, own and operate new metering and regulating facilities (M&R facilities) to be installed on Venture Global’s Gator Express Platform, as well as interconnection piping and related facilities extending from Texas Eastern’s Line 40 to the M&R facilities.
Once in-service, the project will supply 240,000 dekatherms per day (Dth/d) of firm capacity from Texas Eastern’s Line 40, with ultimate delivery to Venture Global’s Plaquemines LNG facility in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, approximately 20 miles south of New Orleans.
The proposed scope includes about 0.2 mile of 30-inch-diameter interconnection piping, a new hot tap and subsea launcher, and riser pipe to connect the Gator Express M&R facilities and the Venture Global Gator Express Pipeline to Texas Eastern’s Line 40.
Texas Eastern plans to commence construction of the Gator Express Meter Project in early 2023 and is anticipated to be placed in-service in July 2023.
For more information on the Venture Global Plaquemines LNG facility and the associated Gator Express Pipeline, please visit
Read the May 26, 2022 news release.
Project overview:
- Peak day capacity: 240,000 Dth/d
- In-service target date: July 2023
- Docket number: CP22-43-000
- Ownership: Enbridge Inc. (100%)

Project Information:
Proposed Facilities
The Gator Express Meter Project is designed to minimize disturbances to landowners, communities, and the environment. Facilities and work will include:
- Delivery metering and regulating facilities (Gator Express M&R Facilities) on a platform constructed and owned by Venture Global, along the Gator Express Pipeline lateral to be constructed, owned, and operated by Venture Global in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
- A new hot tap, subsea launcher, about 0.2 mile of 30-inch-diameter interconnecting piping, and riser pipe to connect the Gator Express M&R Facilities and Gator Express Pipeline to Texas Eastern’s Line 40 in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana