Preferred Shares

Q4/24 Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Payment Date Dec. 1 March 1 June 1 Sept. 1 Dec. 1
Record Date(1) Nov. 15 Feb. 14 May 15 Aug. 15 Nov. 14
  • (1)Dividend Record Dates for Common Shares are generally Feb. 15, May 15, Aug. 15 and Nov. 15 in each year, unless the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday

A summary of Enbridge’s Preferred Shares related to the Preferred Share Dividend/Reset Date and links to each preferred series’ prospectus can be found here.

Preferred Share Prospectus Dividend
Q1/24 Q2/24 Q3/24 Q4/24 Q1/25
Series A Shares ENB.PR.A $0.34375 $0.34375 $0.34375 $0.34375 $0.34375
Series B Shares ENB.PR.B $0.32513 $0.32513 $0.32513 $0.32513 $0.32513
Series D(2) Shares ENB.PR.D $0.33825 $0.33825 $0.33825 $0.33825 $0.33825
Series F(3) Shares ENB.PR.F $0.34613 $0.34613 $0.34613 $0.34613 $0.34613
Series G(4) Shares ENB.PR.G $0.47676
$0.43014 $0.37911
Series H(5) Shares ENB.PR.H $0.38200 $0.38200 $0.38200 $0.38200 $0.38200
Series I(6) Shares ENB.PR.I $0.45251 $0.44932 $0.44366
$0.40589 $0.35507
Series L(7) Shares ENB.PF.U US$0.36612 US$0.36612 US$0.36612 US$0.36612 US$0.36612
Series N(8) Shares ENB.PR.N $0.41850 $0.41850 $0.41850 $0.41850 $0.41850
Series P(9) Shares ENB.PR.P $0.27369 $0.36988 $0.36988 $0.36988 $0.36988
Series R(10) Shares ENB.PR.T $0.25456 $0.25456 $0.39463 $0.39463 $0.39463
Series 1(11) Shares ENB.PR.V US$0.41898 US$0.41898 US$0.41898 US$0.41898 US$0.41898
Series 3(12) Shares ENB.PR.Y $0.23356 $0.23356 $0.23356 $0.33050 $0.33050
Series 4(13) Shares ENB.PR.Z - - - $0.42206 $0.37110
Series 5(14) Shares ENB.PF.V US$0.41769 US$0.41769 US$0.41898 US$0.41769 US$0.41769
Series 7(15) Shares ENB.PR.J $0.27806 $0.37425 $0.37425 $0.37425 $0.37425
Series 9(16) Shares ENB.PF.A $0.25606 $0.25606 $0.25606 $0.25606 $0.35450
Series 11(17) Shares ENB.PF.C $0.24613 $0.24613 $0.24613 $0.24613 $0.24613
Series 13(18) Shares ENB.PF.E $0.19019 $0.19019 $0.19019 $0.19019 $0.19019
Series 15(19) Shares ENB.PF.G $0.18644 $0.18644 $0.18644 $0.18644 $0.18644
Series 19(20)Shares ENB.PF.K $0.38825 $0.38825 $0.38825 $0.38825 $0.38825
  • (2) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series D was increased to $0.33825 from $0.27875 on March 1, 2023, due to reset of the annual dividend on March 1, 2023, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (3) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series F was increased to $0.34613 from $0.29306 on June 1, 2023, due to reset of the annual dividend on June 1, 2023, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (4) The quarterly dividend per share paid on the Series G floating rate preferred shares resets every 3 months effective June 1, 2023 at the sum of the rate of the Government of Canada 3-month treasury bill, as reported by the Bank of Canada for the most recent treasury bills auction preceding the application Floating Rate Calculation Date, and 2.51%.
  • (5) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series H was increased to $0.38220 from $0.27350 on September 1, 2023, due to reset of the annual dividend on September 1, 2023, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (6) The quarterly dividend per share paid on the Series I floating rate preferred shares resets every 3 months effective September 1, 2023 at the sum of the rate of the Government of Canada 3-month treasury bill, as reported by the Bank of Canada for the most recent treasury bills auction preceding the application Floating Rate Calculation Date, and 2.12%.
  • (7) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series N was increased to $0.31788 from $0.25000 on December 1, 2018, due to reset of the annual dividend on December 1, 2018, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (8) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series N was increased to $0.41850 from $0.31788 on December 1, 2023, due to reset of the annual dividend on December 1, 2318, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (9) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series P was increased to $0.36988 from $0.27369 on March 1, 2024, due to reset of the annual dividend on March 1, 2024, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (10) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series R was increased to $0.25456 from $0.25000 on June 3, 2019, due to reset of the annual dividend on June 3, 2019, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (11) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 1 was increased to US$0.41898 from US$0.37182 on June 1, 2023, due to reset of the annual dividend on June 1, 2023, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (12) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 3 was decreased to $0.23356 from $0.25000 on September 1, 2019, due to reset of the annual dividend on September 1, 2019, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (13) The quarterly dividend per share paid on the Series 4 floating rate preferred shares resets every 3 months effective September 1, 2024, at the sum of the rate of the Government of Canada 3-month treasury bill, as reported by the Bank of Canada for the most recent treasury bills auction preceding the application Floating Rate Calculation Date, and 2.38%..
  • (14) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 5 was increased to US$0.41769 from US$0.33596 on March 1, 2024, due to reset of the annual dividend on March 1, 2024, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (15) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 7 was increased to $0.37425 from $0.27806 on March 1, 2024, due to reset of the annual dividend on March 1, 2024, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (16) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Preference Shares, Series 9 was increased to $0.35450 from $0.25606 on December 1, 2024, due to the reset of the annual dividend on December 1, 2024, and every five years thereafter.
  • (17) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 11 was decreased to $0.24613 from $0.27500 on March 1, 2020, due to reset of the annual dividend on March 1, 2020, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (18) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 13 was decreased to $0.19019 from $0.27500 on June 1, 2020, due to reset of the annual dividend on June 1, 2020, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (19) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 15 was decreased to $0.18644 from $0.27500 on September 1, 2020, due to reset of the annual dividend on September 1, 2020, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.
  • (20) The quarterly dividend per share paid on Series 19 was increased to $0.38825 from $0.30625 on March 1, 2023, due to reset of the annual dividend on March 1, 2023, under the dividend rate reset provisions applicable to this series.