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Enbridge has proudly operated in Wisconsin for more than 70 years.
We place a high value on quality of life in our communities. Enbridge invests in programs, organizations, and initiatives that focus on health and safety, environment and community
Since 1949, Enbridge’s employees and contractors have lived and worked in communities throughout Wisconsin as colleagues, neighbors, and friends.
Being a good neighbor and community steward is a top priority for us. We work hard to live up to that “good neighbor” status in a variety of ways—economically, socially, and culturally. As a company, and as individuals who live and work in communities across Wisconsin, we want to make our communities safer, healthier, smarter, greener, more enriching, and more inspiring.
In 2022, we invested $344,000 in community-strengthening initiatives across Wisconsin—and supported numerous not-for-profit agencies in the state--aligned to these focus areas. We also generated more than $45 million in tax revenue in 2022—dollars that can be used for schools, infrastructure (roads and bridges), health and wellness, recreation, transportation and other services that help strengthen the fabric of the community.
From a safety perspective, our Emergency Responder Education Program equips first responders and 9-1-1 dispatchers with the essential information they need to respond in the unlikely event of a pipeline incident, through free, unlimited, online training. And In 2022, through our Safe Community First Responder Program, we donated just under $1 million to 144 American emergency responder organizations located near Enbridge’s projects and operations; these donations are earmarked for safety equipment, professional training or safety education programming that keeps communities safe.
And through our public awareness programs, we engage in an open dialogue with our neighbors in the communities near our projects and operations, providing pipeline safety information to the people who live and work along our pipeline routes.
Enbridge has been part of Wisconsin’s economic and social fabric for more than 70 years. With 325 employees and contractors who live and work across the state, we plan on being part of that fabric for years to come.
Ongoing tax revenue, local/regional economic stimulation, community investment, and workforce salary.