Michigan’s top industries rely on Enbridge’s Line 5

Manufacturing robots and tractor in a field

Light crude oil, fuel from Line 5 critical to agriculture, manufacturing

Oct. 27, 2021

Each October, manufacturers showcase their role in creating millions of products that shape the world, and Michigan has plenty to share.

The state leads the U.S. in production of asparagus, cucumbers, squash and tart cherries. Its leading agricultural exports include wood and wood products, soybeans, dry beans, cereals and pasta.

Contributing $104.7 billion each year to the state’s economy, Michigan’s agricultural industry is among the state’s top three industries, along with tourism and traditional manufacturing.

“If people think about Enbridge Line 5, it usually is in relation to the propane that heats their homes or the light crude oil refiners use to produce fuel,” said Mike Moeller, Enbridge's director of the Great Lakes Region. “It is rare that someone sees how essential product from Line 5 is to manufacturing, including the equipment, trucks, automation, and fuel that help keep our agricultural and other industries in motion.” 

Manufacturing in Michigan employs approximately 15% of the state’s workforce and generates approximately $102 billion each year to the state’s economy. In 2018, Michigan manufacturing employed approximately 630,000 people.

“Line 5 is much more than a pipeline; it is vital to many, including the region’s manufacturers,” said Moeller. “They depend on Line 5 to provide a safe, reliable source of light crude oil and natural gas liquids as a crucial part of our supply chain. Line 5 plays a major role in manufacturing that helps put food on the table, clothing on our back, phones in our hands, and thousands of other products on which people, as well as industry, rely.”