Safety First


The people who live near our pipelines and facilities, and are served by our gas distribution systems, expect us to operate safely. The protection of the public and the environment is our highest priority, and our neighbors have an important role to play in the safety of our systems.

Keeping you safe and informed

We communicate regularly with our neighbors—so that they’re aware of the work we’re doing, and know how to stay safe around our pipelines, gas distribution systems and facilities.

Whenever we plan a new project, we work with landowners, Aboriginal and Native American communities, our neighbors, environmental groups and regulators to plan pipeline routes that minimize environmental impact and land disturbance.

Through Enbridge’s robust Public Awareness program, we regularly provide pipeline safety information to the people who live and work along our pipeline routes, as well as public officials, emergency responders, school officials, farmers and excavators.

We also work with local first responders to build safety in the communities near our pipelines and facilities.

Safe Community

Enbridge’s Safe Community First Responder Program awards grants to local first-response emergency services, including firefighters and rescue services, emergency medical services and ambulance organizations, in North American communities near our pipelines and facilities.

Launched in 2002 in the United States, and 2009 in Canada, the Safe Community program has helped support everything from professional training and educational programs, to new firehoses, to “Jaws of Life” extrication tools, to automated external defibrillators—even major financial support of air ambulance services.


Since 2002, we’ve provided


(or C$29.1 million) in grants and donations through our Safe Community program to first response agencies across North America, including US$2.2 million (C$3 million) in 2024, through 284 grants to community first response agencies.


Putting first responders first

In addition to funding services that benefit our communities, we are committed to providing local first responders with the information, tools and training they need to protect people and property along our pipeline rights-of-way.

We make sure emergency responders:

Know where the pipelines are located and who operates those pipelines
Are aware of how to recognize a possible pipeline emergency and how to respond.
Know what Enbridge does to prepare for emergencies.

Online pipeline emergency response training

Enbridge is proud to offer emergency officials in our areas of operation with free, unlimited access to online pipeline emergency response training.

This training portal is among the many initiatives the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL), together with supporting emergency response organizations, has created to assist first responders to learn the techniques and skills to address a hazardous liquid or natural gas pipeline incident. Using the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) “Pipeline Emergencies” Program, this best-in-class online training is provided free-of-charge to all first responders. For 911 dispatchers, the awareness course is recommended by Enbridge Emergency Management to provide information about hazards and proper response.

We’ve made it available free of charge to more than 8,000 emergency response organizations across North America. Since the creation of the program, about 3,200 emergency responders and officials, Enbridge employees and other interested parties in North America have completed the training.

Keeping in touch

We meet regularly with first responders in communities near our pipelines and facilities—including police, fire, and EMS—to share Enbridge’s emergency response procedures, and identify the roles and responsibilities of external responders who would support Enbridge in the event of an incident.

Coffee Talks in your neighborhood

As part of our community engagement, especially during pipeline construction, we regularly host open houses to keep communities informed about Enbridge in their area. It’s a great opportunity for the public to ask questions, get the information they need and learn more about Enbridge’s approach to safety and being a good neighbor.

Responding to an emergency

We hope we never have to respond to a pipeline leak. But if we do, we’re ready.

Prevention is a critical component of pipeline safety, and we focus on prevention at Enbridge before issues arise. While our ultimate goal is to prevent all spills and releases, we’re also committed as a responsible pipeline operator to providing a comprehensive incident response at any point along our pipeline network.

Enbridge maintains strong emergency preparedness and response systems that we regularly test and continuously improve alongside local first responders, emergency management officials and law enforcement.

Clink on the link below to watch video of a full-scale emergency response exercise that we staged in September 2019 in Wisconsin Rapids, WI.

Taking responsibility

We take every incident seriously, responding vigorously and cleaning up environmental impacts. We assume full responsibility, with the goal of restoring the area safely and efficiently to its pre-incident condition, or as close as possible.

Throughout the process, we work with regulators, environmental experts and our neighbors in the community to ensure the rehabilitation meets their expectations.


Since 2012, we’ve spent


on training and response equipment, ranging from booms to boats, which has been deployed across throughout North America along our systems.

The Enbridge Enterprise Emergency Response team (E3RT)

In 2011, Enbridge created a cross-company team with specialized training. The E3RT regularly conducts major training exercises involving emergency response contractors and consultants, as well as emergency response agencies at the local, state/provincial, and federal levels—and is trained and ready to quickly respond to large-scale events anywhere Enbridge operates in North America. The 120 employees who make up the E3RT hold annual training sessions to brush up on their emergency response skills.

In 2024, our emergency response teams actively participated in


drills, exercises and equipment deployments, working alongside first response agencies to test, practice and improve on our emergency response plans.

Field Survey

Regional emergency plans

We have tailored and detailed emergency response plans, region by region, that govern our response for all types of situations.

These plans take into consideration drinking water, flow of running water, air emissions, shoreline impacts, wildlife, animal livestock and other factors that a release could impact.

Safe digging: Know what’s below

Caution icon

Preventing third-party damage.

Third-party damage is one of the leading causes of pipeline leaks. We’re committed to communicating with our neighbors and customers about our systems, projects and operations, to make sure landowners, community members and first responders know how to stay safe – and avoid accidentally damaging – our facilities, pipelines and distribution systems.

Shovel icon

Call Before You Dig Programs

Electricity, water, cable, wifi, and oil and gas transportation and distribution are among the important services underground utilities provide to each of us. To protect public safety and the systems that deliver these key services, one-call and online programs exist across North America for anyone planning to dig—whether it’s construction, excavation, landscaping, or outdoor home renovations, including building fencing, decks or swimming pools.

Before you dig . . .

Call 2 to 3 working days before you start any excavation so that a locator can come out and mark underground utilities for you free of charge.




How you can help

Your quick action could save lives, and help protect your home or your community, if an incident should occur.

Know how to recognize a potential pipeline leak
Know what to do, and what not to do, in the case of a potential pipeline emergency.
Make sure you and those around you are safe. Call 9-1-1, and then Enbridge’s 24-hour emergency hotline in your area

Enbridge emergency contact numbers


Crude Oil and Liquids Emergency Numbers

Canada United States
Alberta/Northwest Territories
1 (877) 420-8800
1 (888) 813-6844 (Athabasca System)
1 (877) 420-8800 (Norman Wells System)

Express Canada

1 (877) 420-8800

1 (877) 420-8800

1 (877) 420-8800

1 (877) 420-8800

Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wisconsin
1 (800) 858-5253

Express U.S. and Platte (Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri)

Natural Gas Transmission and Midstream Emergency Numbers

Canada United States
Alliance Pipeline

British Columbia and Alberta (BC Pipeline, BC Field Services, Midstream Division)

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline
Algonquin Gas Transmission

Big Sandy Pipeline

Bobcat Storage Operations

Dauphin Island Gathering Partners/DCP Midstream Gas Control

East Tennessee Natural Gas


Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline

Market Hub Partners (Egan, Louisiana)

Market Hub Partners (Moss Bluff, Texas)

NEXUS Gas Transmission

Sabal Trail

Southeast Supply Header (SESH)

Steckman Ridge

Texas Eastern Transmission

Gas Distribution Emergency Numbers

Ontario Quebec
Enbridge Gas Inc.
1-866-763-5427 (Southern and Eastern Ontario)
1-877-969-0999 (SW and Northern Ontario)
1-800-770-3039 (gas storage)
1 (819) 771-8321

Renewables and Power Transmission Emergency Numbers

Canada United States
24 hours, toll free
24 hours, toll free

Minnesota fire departments find fraternity in this frequency

In the summer of 2020, the first phase of a nearly million-dollar project will enhance the communications between first responders in Minnesota, benefiting the nearly 60,000 people in Beltrami County and its surrounding service area. A $30,000 Safe Community grant from Enbridge has helped these Beltrami County fire departments get closer to their first-phase goal of communicating seamlessly with local EMS, police and law enforcement operating on an ARMER (Allied Radio Matrix for Emergency Response) system.