Enbridge's employee-led United Way campaigns collect a record $6.25M

Combining can-do attitude, sustainable social change

It’s an annual recipe for social success.

Take the United Way’s mission of improving lives and building extraordinary communities, and combine it with Enbridge’s can-do attitude – and amazing things happen. This year was no different.

With the majority of our 2014 regional United Way campaigns across North America now complete, or just in the process of wrapping up, we can proudly say that Enbridge has once again shown it is fully committed to the United Way’s vision of creating pathways out of poverty, transforming individual lives, and bringing sustainable social change.

“Every year, I am amazed by the compassion, the creativity, the energy, and the generosity of spirit that radiates from our employee-driven United Way campaigns at Enbridge,” says Al Monaco, president and CEO of Enbridge Inc.

United Way 2014 campaign overall 2
The Edmonton office's employee-driven 2014 United Way campaign featured a talent show at the Citadel Theatre, with groups such as the Floppy Disks strutting their stuff.

In recent weeks, the results have rolled in from across the Enbridge enterprise, which totals well over 11,000 employees and contractors. And our aggregate 2014 United Way fundraising total for all of Enbridge’s offices and divisions, including special events, employee donations, and corporate matching, is an unprecedented $6.25-million – eclipsing last year’s record amount of $5.6-million.

“The United Way, through various agencies, does profoundly meaningful work in strengthening the social safety net of our communities, and helping people live healthier, happier, and more prosperous lives,” says Karen Radford, Enbridge’s executive vice president of People and Partners.

“In my view, this is just another example of how Enbridge’s employees and contractors, across North America, are devoted to making life better for the communities where we work, live, and play.”

In no particular order, our employee-led United Way volunteer campaigns included soaring superheroes, dancing dervishes, culinary crackerjacks, and gluttons for vertical marathon-themed punishment. We rolled up our sleeves to tackle home repairs for seniors and the disabled, plucked weeds from community gardens, packed countless brown-bag lunches, and served the public at community barbecues. We held slo-pitch tournaments, golf tournaments, scavenger hunts, and raffles by the dozen.

It’s all in the name of building healthy lives, vibrant communities, and lasting change.

Click on the links below for reports from Enbridge’s 2014 United Way campaigns in Houston, Edmonton, Toronto, Calgary, and elsewhere.

Dec. 1: Houston office basks in the glow of a truly 'Encredible' campaign

Dec. 2: Enbridge Gas Distribution's 'amazing race' toward a brighter future

Dec. 3: So, you think we can give? Edmonton's United Way campaign rings up nearly $1.6M

Dec. 4: Volunteer energy, enthusiasm drive record-setting $1.47M United Way campaign in Calgary

Dec. 5: Regional United Way campaigns show vibrancy, originality, and creativity