Enbridge’s sustainability goals

Solar energy farm in New Jersey

Sustainability is integral to our ability to safely and reliably deliver the energy people need and want. How well we perform as a steward of our environment, a safe operator of essential energy infrastructure, a good neighbor and a diverse employer is inextricably linked to our business success and our ability to create long-term value for all stakeholders.

Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals represent the next stage of our evolution as an ESG leader to ensure we’re positioned to grow sustainably for decades to come.

Enbridge’s ESG goals include:

  • Net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operations by 20501, 3; with an interim target to reduce GHG emissions intensity from our operations 35% by 20301, 2
  • Increased representation4 of diverse groups within our workforce by 2025 including a goal of 28% from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups, along with new initiatives to enhance supplier diversity
  • Strengthening diversity on our Board with a goal of 40% representation of women and 20% from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups by 2025
  • Annual safety and reliability targets that drive continuous improvement towards our goal of zero incidents, injuries and occupational injuries, and implementation of robust cyber defense programs

Master targets

Long ago, we began integrating ESG principles into our strategy and decision-making, and today ESG is core to our long-term value and resilience.

To drive results and accountability, Enbridge has expanded links to incentive compensation to performance on emissions reduction and diversity, complementing safety metrics already embedded.

Learn more about our sustainability goals in the areas of emissions, safety, diversity and inclusion, and cybersecurity.

1 GHG emissions included within our targets are from assets over which we have operational control (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions). Projected reductions of GHG emissions intensity and absolute emissions is relative to the 2018 baseline year. For more information, see our 2023 Sustainability Report.
2 This metric aggregates emissions and throughput for each business unit on the basis of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per energy delivered in petajoules (“PJ”).
3 Absolute emissions.
4 With regard to diversity, the word “targets” and any percentage targets listed are aspirational goals which we intend to achieve in a manner compliant with state, local, provincial and federal law, including but not limited to U.S. federal regulations and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Department of Labor (DOL) ad Office of Federal Contract Programs (OFCCP) guidance.

Our ESG Goals

People walking in a forest 


As a leader in North American energy infrastructure, we have an important role to play in providing access to low-carbon energy. That role involves contributing to greenhouse gas emission reductions goals and seeking new and improved ways to deliver energy safely, responsibly and sustainably.

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Employees walking down a hall 


We’re focused on creating a diverse and inclusive workplace and on building lasting and productive relationships with communities.

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Enbridge Centre in Edmonton 


We’ve committed to strong and sustainable corporate governance, which promotes the long-term interests of our shareholders, strengthens the accountability of our Board and management and builds stakeholder and public trust.

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