Land use planning and development

A shared responsibility to support safe planning near pipeline infrastructure.

In support of Enbridge’s damage prevention and integrity management program, we ask that Municipal officials, community leaders, neighbors, farmers and school officials consult with Enbridge, early and often, before any development within 500 meters of our assets. This allows us to assess potential impacts and recommend measures for protection.

Under the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (CER Act), standards set by Canadian Standards Association CSA Z663-18 (Land Use Planning in Vicinity of Pipeline Systems), and other industry best practices, preventing pipeline damage is a shared responsibility between the pipeline operator and various stakeholders, including municipal officials, landowners and developers. Recognizing this shared responsibility, municipal officials, landowners, and developers must notify Enbridge early in the planning stage of a proposed project in proximity to Enbridge infrastructure.

Enbridge pipelines near you

Stakeholders can view the general location of Enbridge pipeline infrastructure through our interactive asset map. Lands surrounding pipeline infrastructure must be monitored by Enbridge for new developments.

See the interactive map

Submit a Canadian notification here

Submit a U.S. notification here

What is a land use planning and development notification?

Enbridge requests that stakeholders provide notification of the following types of plans when they contain or may impact Enbridge infrastructure:

Plan type Description Examples
Upper tier plans Long-range policy planning documents that contain high-level goals, objectives, and policies to guide future physical development of a regional or municipal area.
  • Regional plans
  • Metropolitan plans
  • Official community plans
  • Municipal development plans
  • Land use strategies
Lower tier plans Long-range policy planning documents that contain goals, objectives, and policies to guide future land use and site development for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional uses as described in upper tier plans.
  • Area structure plans
  • Concept plans
  • Outline plans
  • Local area plans
  • Neighbourhood plans
  • Site development plans
Site development plans Site specific applications for development on one or more subject parcels.
  • Land use changes (rezonings)
  • Subdivisions
  • Development permits

When to submit a land use planning and development notification

For landowners, developers and municipalities, the land use planning and development process begins much earlier than when an application is circulated to external agencies for review.

In alignment with CSA Z663-18, Enbridge is requesting municipalities provide advanced notification of planning and development in proximity of its infrastructure to initiate earlier awareness and collaboration.

Illustration for municipal land use approval process

For more information on the land use and development monitoring program, or to submit a notification, please contact:


Gas distribution and storage assets

Visit the Enbridge Gas website to find out more about safe practices around the natural gas distribution network.