Forest Tour Highlights Bat Friendly Forestry in Minnesota
July 14, 2016
Visits share research findings and insights
Minneapolis, MN (July 14, 2016) — More than 25 natural resource professionals, foresters, and stakeholders gathered in Aitkin County, Minnesota on July 14th for a forestry tour highlighting Bat-Friendly Forest Management in the state.
The field tour featured visits to County and State forestlands including the Savanna State Forest and Aitkin County’s Cornish Hardwood Management Area (CHMA), a Forest Stewards Guild Model Forest. Site visit discussions at CHMA included maintaining intolerants in un-even aged forests, forest bat survey data, bat-friendly forestry practices, regenerTour Group, Aitkin County 2016ation in 25-year old canopy gaps, and hardwood quality inventory.
“These managed forests provide great habitat for bats, including the corridors that provide flyways for the bats to successfully and efficiently hunt insects,” said Tim Sichmeller, bat researcher with WEST, Inc.
“We are in the third consecutive year of our bat surveys and continue to be impressed by what we are learning and the abundance of bats that we are finding in our forests,” said Mark Jacobs, Aitkin County Land Commissioner.
The tour was held in conjunction with the 2016 Forest Stewards Guild National Meeting and hosted in partnership with The Nature Conservancy Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan Chapters and The Minnesota Society of American Foresters.
Aitkin County was recently recognized for their leadership and commitment to research and education as they pertain to habitat needs of the northern long-eared bat. This research is a collaborative effort between Dovetail Partners and land managers in Northern Minnesota, including Aitkin County Land Department, Carlton County Land Department, and UPM Blandin. The Long Lake Conservation Center, an environmental learning center in Aitkin County, is also a partner to assist with the education goals of the project. The work is supported by the Ecofootprint Grant Program funded by Enbridge, with additional support provided by UPM Blandin Paper Company and Sappi North America.
More information about activities related to Northern Minnesota Bat Research and Education is available at the Dovetail webpage addressing Bat-Friendly Forestry:
About Forest Stewards Guild
The Forest Stewards Guild is a professional organization of forest stewards, associated natural resource professionals, and affiliates who are passionate about restoring and sustaining the integrity of our forests while meeting the needs of the communities that rely on them. The Guild is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with regional programs and projects throughout the country.