Birch Grove Program

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Project scope

Pipeline loop and replacement

To increase transportation capacity, a 36-inch-diameter pipeline segment is proposed to be installed parallel to and connected to the existing natural gas pipeline system. This process is called pipeline looping, and helps minimize environmental disturbance by utilizing an existing pipeline corridor. The pipeline segment will start southwest of Taylor, on the south side of the Peace River. It will run for approximately 32 kilometres (km).

Approximately 400 meters of pipeline located east of Taylor is also proposed to be replaced with heavier-walled pipe that will be able to accommodate an increased volume of natural gas.

Compressor station piping upgrades and modifications

A compressor station moves natural gas through a pipeline to maintain its flow and pressure. Over long distances, friction and geographic elevation differences slow the movement of gas and reduce its pressure. A compressor station gives the natural gas pressure a “boost.”

To accommodate the increased volume of natural gas, piping upgrades and some associated modification will be required at Compressor Station (CS)-01. This work will be localized to the existing station site.

Additionally, three new cooling bays at CS-16 by Sunset Creek are also proposed to be installed. These cooling bays regulate the temperature of natural gas, which rises with increased flow and pressure. Cooling is necessary as part of the process involved with safely transporting natural gas.