Meet Enbridge’s new Line 5 operations manager in Michigan
Focused on safety 24/7
Oct. 26, 2022
A scuba diver, avid gardener and horseback rider who has worked in the energy industry across North America, Kate Houchard, CMRP, assumes the role as Enbridge’s new area manager for Line 5 in the Great Lakes. In this special interview, learn why she is eager to be working in Michigan.
What does your role as area manager for the Great Lakes mean to you?
I have been fortunate enough to work in the energy industry throughout North America, and I can say confidently the caliber of people we have in the Great Lakes is difficult to match. I am excited to learn from external stakeholders and our internal team members about the nuances of this Region, the heartbeat of the people, the communities, and the land and what we can do together to continue building the operational excellence of Line 5 in the Great Lakes. It’s all about safety—protecting the waters of the Great Lakes and the people who use them.
What do you find most exciting about your new role?
What I find most exciting about this new role is the landscape and culture of the Upper Peninsula and the Great Lakes. This area is beautiful, and the people here are passionate about the land and water.
I am excited for the opportunity to learn from the people here and utilize my expertise in maintenance and reliability to build shared understanding with our stakeholders of how we help ensure safe and reliable pipeline operations—not only for now, but also for generations to come!
What do you believe will be the biggest challenge working on Line 5 in Michigan?
I believe the biggest challenge working on Line 5 in Michigan is widespread misinformation about what we do, how we do it and who we are at Enbridge. I am hopeful we can provide more opportunities for people to meet us, see what we do and understand that we care as deeply as they do for the environment in which we operate.
We have a common goal: the safety of people and the environment. It’s a simple and yet highly important goal that we take seriously every day at Enbridge.
What is the significance of Line 5 to the Region?
Line 5 is a critical asset to providing an affordable and reliable mode of energy transportation through the Great Lakes region. Line 5 provides more than 50 percent of the fuel to heat homes in the Upper Peninsula and Michigan.
What do you enjoy most about working in the energy industry?
I grew up in rural America, on a small farm, running through fields barefoot and playing in streams. I love this land and believe we have a duty to care for people, the environment and wildlife. I became a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional, because I want to be part of ensuring the energy we use today is transported in the safest and most reliable ways possible.
I enjoy working in the energy industry, because I know we make a difference, from heating homes to transporting products that create life-saving medicines and medical devices. I particularly enjoy working for Enbridge, because we are pursuing low-carbon alternatives to fuel the energy transition, and I am proud of the work we are doing to invest in tomorrow.