Appalachia to Market II and Armagh and Entriken HP Replacement Projects: Armagh Optimization

Texas Eastern is retiring existing compressor units at the Armagh Compressor Station located in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, and the Entriken Compressor Station located in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, and will replace them with new, more energy-efficient units and associated facilities to reduce net air emissions while increasing capacity and providing greater energy reliability.

On Oct. 23, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct and operate the Appalachia to Market II and Armagh and Entriken HP Replacement Projects. The Certificate, subject to certain conditions, authorizes Texas Eastern to replace the unit at the Armagh Compressor Station. Construction activities commenced in early 2024 and the Armagh facility is expected to be placed back service by November 2025.

On Nov. 22, 2024, Texas Eastern filed an Abbreviated Application for an Amendment to the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Authorizations relates to a revised scope of work at the Entriken facility located in Huntingdon County, PA; no other project facilities are subject to the Certificate Amendment request. Texas Eastern requested all required regulatory approvals by May 31, 2025, and anticipates placing the Entriken facility back in service by November 2026.

The Project at the Armagh Compressor Station will replace an existing 22,000 hp unit with a new 27,000 hp unit. All proposed Armagh Compressor Station Modifications will occur within the operational footprint of the existing facility site.

The Project at the Entriken Compressor station will replace an existing 22,000 hp unit with a new 24,306 hp unit. All proposed Entriken Compressor Station Modifications will occur within the operational footprint of the existing facility site.

For additional information about the Project, please visit Appalachia to Market II and Armagh and Entriken HP Replacement Projects.

If you have questions, please call Texas Eastern’s toll-free Landowner Hotline at (855) 355-6736.

Texas Eastern modernization: Perulack Compressor Station

Texas Eastern removed and abandoned the four existing compressor units at the Perulack Compressor Station located in Juniata County, Pennsylvania, and replaced them with two new, more efficient gas turbines to comply with air emission reduction requirements in Pennsylvania on this portion of Texas Eastern’s system.

On Sept. 23, 2021, FERC granted Texas Eastern’s request to replace the four existing compressor units at the Perulack Compressor Station.  Construction activities began in October 2021. Texas Eastern completed the Project and placed the Project facilities into service on Nov. 1, 2023.

The Project replaced a total of four existing compressor units with a total certificated horsepower of 34,800 hp with two new, more efficient 18,100 hp natural gas-fired units totaling 36,200 hp and related auxiliary facilities.

Texas Eastern installed software controls on the two new units to limit the total horsepower at the compressor station to 34,800 hp so that the total designed horsepower at the Perulack Compressor Station remains substantially the same as originally certificated.

If you have questions, please call Texas Eastern’s 24-hour, toll-free Landowner Hotline at 800-831-0043.

Texas Eastern modernization: Holbrook Compressor Station

Texas Eastern is removing and abandoning 12 existing compressor units at the Holbrook Compressor Station located in Greene County, Pennsylvania, and will replace them with two new, more efficient gas turbine compressor units and associated facilities to comply with air emission reduction requirements in Pennsylvania on this portion of Texas Eastern’s system.

On Sept. 29, 2022, FERC granted Texas Eastern’s request to replace the existing compressor units at the Holbrook Compressor Station. Construction activities began on Nov. 1, 2022. Texas Eastern completed the Project and placed the Project facilities into service on April 5, 2024.

The Project replaced a total of 12 existing compressor units with two new, more efficient 9,676 hp natural gas-fired units and related auxiliary facilities.

Texas Eastern installed software controls on the two new units to limit the total horsepower at the compressor station to 18,800 hp so that the total designed horsepower at the Holbrook Compressor Station will remain substantially the same as currently certificated.

If you have questions, please call Texas Eastern’s 24-hour, toll-free Landowner Hotline at 800-831-0043.