At Enbridge, we have long integrated environmental and social considerations into our approach to the business. This year has reinforced both the need and the value of doing so, in particular, elevating the “S” (in “ESG”) and how we treat our people, customers and communities during times of uncertainty and hardship.
I’m very proud of the resilience of the Enbridge team and the dedication and commitment of our people in remaining steadfast to our purpose: to safely and reliably deliver the energy that fuels people's quality of life and sustains economic prosperity. I’m also proud of the openness of our team to have the tough conversations and seek to better understand and acknowledge the impacts of systemic racism. This has been a focus for our Board of Directors and leadership team, with engagement at all levels of our company. As an employer of thousands of people, and as a company whose energy infrastructure reaches communities across North America, we take seriously our responsibility to champion diversity, equity and inclusion, and to be part of societal change that will have lasting impact.
Our annual sustainability report shares our approach to the environmental, social and governance issues of greatest importance to our stakeholders and our business. It’s one of the ways we hold ourselves accountable to each other and to our stakeholders for continuous innovation and improvement.
While this report is intended to focus on our performance and progress in 2019, as we move into the latter half of 2020 it’s impossible to do so without acknowledging the events of this year. These events have impacted our company and our stakeholders and you’ll see that reflected throughout the report.
Our sustainability priorities are critical to our business performance and achieving our strategic priorities and are focused in three key areas:
Climate and energy transition
Last fall, we published our first climate report, Resilient Energy Infrastructure, which shares our perspective on the dual challenge of growing global energy demand while reducing carbon emissions.
It’s a challenge we’re up for—and to which we’ve been responding. Our strategy is built on understanding energy supply and consumer demand. As we look forward, our analysis of climate scenarios affirms that our infrastructure assets will remain critical to delivering the reliable, affordable energy people need and want for many years to come.
At the same time, it underscores the energy transition that’s underway and our need to continue to adapt over time. We’ve done a lot—from diversifying our energy delivery businesses into cleaner natural gas, investing in wind and solar power and innovation including renewable natural gas and hydrogen, and achieving emissions targets. We’re well positioned to manage climate-related risks and capture new opportunities.
Over the past year, we have been engaged in a rigorous enterprise-wide process to develop new emissions reductions targets and plans to meet them. We anticipate sharing our targets later this year.
Reliable and safe operations
Safety is, and always will be, our number one priority and we work to engage every employee and contractor in building a stronger and more resilient company culture relentlessly focused on safety.
We are driven by our conviction that all injuries, incidents and occupational illnesses are preventable. We are disappointed when we experience any incident of any magnitude—and we investigate to identify root cause, capture learnings and prevent future incidents. Incidents over the past year on our natural gas system, one of which resulted in the death of a member of the public, have deepened our resolve to get better.
We continue to invest heavily in maintaining and strengthening the safety and integrity of our assets and supporting innovation that enables our company, and our industry. We are seeing results— in our liquids pipelines business, our safety record in 2019 was on par with the strongest safety performance in our history— and we remain focused on our path to zero incidents across all our businesses.
Community engagement and Indigenous inclusion
Contributing positively to the safety, health and vibrancy of our communities is important to Enbridge and building relationships of trust is critical to our ability to operate and grow. We focus on respectful, meaningful engagement over the lifecycle of our assets—from project proposals through to the day-to-day operation of assets in the ground.
We believe companies have a critical role to play in advancing Indigenous economic reconciliation. We’re working to find solutions that respect Indigenous peoples’ strong connection to the land and the natural environment, including shared economic growth. As an example, Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement project—which went into service in late 2019 in Canada—included more than $450 million in Indigenous economic opportunity. Twenty percent of all those working on the project were Indigenous.
We measure sustainability not only in terms of metrics or past achievement, but in the potential to perform better and aim higher—every day is a new opportunity to do even better and extend the reach of our corporate responsibility.
During this time of uncertainty, we are reminded of the need to be resilient, reliable and responsible, and steadfast in our commitment to the long-term sustainability of our business for all of our stakeholders.
Thank you for your continued engagement.

Al Monaco
Enbridge President and CEO