Local partnership aims to provide renewed hope, cheer to frontline workers

Enbridge supports local businesses and Hope for Heroes initiative in Michigan’s Marquette County

In the face of hardship and adversity, a new initiative is underway to spread cheer while supporting local businesses.

Lake Superior Community Partnership logo

As part of its Love on Local program to help boost Marquette County’s economy through buying from area businesses, the Lake Superior Community Partnership (LSCP) launched Hope for Heroes.

The initiative is providing central Upper Peninsula frontline workers in healthcare, education and first response gift bags filled with items sourced from local businesses.

“Our frontline workers and small businesses are the backbone of our communities,” says Amy Clickner, chief executive officer of the LSCP.

“We want them to know they have the appreciation and support of their community, and we are fortunate to be working with many partners, including Enbridge, that share our commitment.”

Marquette County Love on Local logo

Love on Local received a $10,000 grant from Enbridge. The funding goes to the Hope for Heroes initiative to help purchase the gift bag items from local businesses.

“During a time of uncertainty, LSCP has been a consistent leader in finding innovative ways to help our communities and area businesses,” says Emma Cook, a Michigan-based Enbridge community relations representative.

“The Hope for Heroes initiative not only lifts the spirits of frontline workers, it also helps provide much-needed support to numerous small businesses. We are in this together, and Enbridge is proud to do its share.”