ESG commitments maintain strong positioning in sustainability rankings

S&P Global Ratings, Carbon Disclosure Project and Vigeo Eiris recognize our energy industry leadership in 2021

If you’re going to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.

It’s been just over a year since Enbridge committed to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.

With significant emissions reductions already achieved through equipment modernization, regional power grid greening, and solar self-power, we’re making early progress toward that 2050 goal, as well as our interim target of reducing GHG emissions intensity from our operations 35% by 2030.

Our commitment—and our actions—continue to garner positive attention from sustainability ratings agencies.

In recent weeks, Enbridge was recognized again among midstream energy leaders, including:

“We’re committed to building a bridge to a cleaner energy future, and one of the pillars is strong ESG leadership,” says Pete Sheffield, Enbridge’s Chief Sustainability Officer and vice president of U.S. external affairs. “The efforts of Enbridge employees across the company directly shape how we’re positioned on ESG, so it’s great to see continued external recognition for how Team Enbridge lives our values each and every day.”

Enbridge’s program of modernization in our gas transmission business includes a robust upgrade in technology—replacing our existing gas compressors with newer, lower-emission units across the U.S., along with reduced venting and methane abatement activity.

We’re also advancing our solar self-power program, generating low-emissions electricity to support our liquids pipelines and gas transmission pipeline operations. To date, we’ve announced 13 solar projects that will collectively generate more than 110 megawatts of clean energy, from Wisconsin to Alberta, Kentucky to Minnesota. Three of these projects are already operational.

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In late November, Enbridge earned an overall ESG score of 63 from S&P Global Ratings, and placed on the DJSI’s North American index—a boost from 2020, when we scored 55 and were named to that same DJSI list.

This improvement is directly related to our ESG goals and the data assurance work we’ve undertaken in the past few years. Our environmental score of 79, which contributed to our overall score, was an industry best among peers involved in the ratings.

Enbridge ranked first of 48 companies in Vigeo Eiris’s Oil Equipment and Services North America sector. Our ESG score from Vigeo Eiris climbed to a 54 in 2021, and placement in the “robust” category, up from our 2020 score of 49 and our 2019 score of 47. We also scored a “robust” 55 in Vigeo Eiris’s Energy Transition category, which examines carbon footprint and risks-and-opportunities management strategy as they relate to transition to a low carbon economy.

And earlier this month, the CDP released its questionnaire results for 2021, with Enbridge maintaining its A-minus grade for climate change and B-minus rating for water security—both unchanged from 2020.

“We continue to be the very best in the oil and gas sector, and we’re committed to keep improving and taking actions to lead the global energy transition,” says Mike Fernandez, Enbridge’s Chief Communications Officer and senior vice president of Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability.

(TOP PHOTO: We're reducing emissions from our operations through a wide-ranging program of modernization in our gas transmission business. This program includes replacing existing gas compressors with newer, lower-emission units at multiple compressor stations along our 8,600-mile Texas Eastern Transmission pipeline, including the Bechtelsville compressor station near Barto, Pennsylvania.)