Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Norman Ritchie Community Centre in Kindersley, Saskatchewan on June 20. Funds will be used toward renovating the kitchen in the community centre. Pictured (from left) are: Dan Tischler (Area Operations Manager), Patti Brotzell-Close (Norman Ritchie Community Management), Jay Brown (Major Projects, Safety), and Sally Parker (Office Lead, Construction Spread 2).
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the fire department in Cypress River, Manitoba on June 19. Funds will support replacement of aging turn-out gear, and the purchase of new gear for volunteer firefighters. Pictured (from left): Mike Jespersen (Assistant Construction Manager), Enbridge; Fire Chief Neil Young, Captain Wesley Wytinck and Troy McGill (Treasurer and firefighter); Les Scott and Whitney Thomas (Community Engagement), Enbridge; and RM Councillor Jim Cassels.
Enbridge contributed $15,000 to the community of Mariapolis, Manitoba on June 19. Funds will be used to replace the floor in the local recreation centre. Pictured (from left): Joedy Desrochers (Hall Committee); Enbridge’s Mike Jespersen (Assistant Construction Manager) and Les Scott (Community Engagement); Elsie Hacault (community representative); and Whitney Thomas (Community Engagement), Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the community of St. Alphonse, Manitoba on June 19. The funds will be used to replace tables and chairs in the community hall. Pictured (from left): Les Scott (Community Engagement), Enbridge; Jamie Wytinck (Recreation Board); Mike Jespersen (Assistant Construction Manager), Enbridge; Danica Chevalier (District Foundation and Playground Project); and Whitney Thomas (Community Engagement), Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $84,000 to community organizations in the Town of Kindersley, Saskatchewan on June 19. The Town is a key Field Office location for upcoming construction of Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline replacement program. Organizations receiving community investment support from Enbridge included: the Aquatic Centre ($40,000); the Downtown Kindersley Association, Norman Ritchie Community Centre and West Central Abilities Inc. ($10,000 each), Westbury Elementary School playground ($7,500); the Kindersley & District Food Bank ($6,500). Pictured (front row, from left) are: Enbridge’s Jared Daku (Land Services) and Dan Tischler (Area Operations Manager); Lorne Kelsey (Norman Ritchie Community Centre); Joel McKim (Area Construction Manager); town CAO Bernie Morton and Mayor Rod Perkins; Enbridge’s Blake Kitching (Assistant Construction Manager), Joanne Bradbury (Community Engagement) and Stacey McMillan (Land Services); Kim Edmunds (West Central Abilities). Back row (from left): Enbridge’s Peter Hansen (Community Engagement) and Ray Blackmore (Construction); Candy Gordon (Downtown Kindersley Association); Leslie Omness and Linda Resch of the Food Bank; Chris Oscar (Westbury Elementary School), Brooke Nargang (West Central Abilities) and Patti Brotzell-Close (Norman Ritchie Community Centre).
Enbridge contributed $75,000 to the Town of Kerrobert, Saskatchewan on June 19. The swimming pool received a contribution of $50,000 for facility upgrades; $15,000 toward purchase of a new handi-bus; and $10,000 for the Pioneers Haven seniors’ centre. Pictured (back row, from left): Eleanor Seberson (manager, Pioneers Haven); Bobbi Hebron (Town Recreation Director); Veronica Smith (Kerrobert Handi-Bus); Enbridge’s Joel McKim (Area Construction Manager), Blake Kitching (Assistant Construction Manager) and Peter Hansen (Community Engagement). Front row (from left): Pioneers Haven residents Shirley Honeker, Muriel Neumeier, Anne Bohn, Evelyn Seime, and Frieda Hogg; Enbridge’s Dan Tischler (Area Operations Manager) and Jared Daku (Land Services); Lorraine Cholin (Recreation Board); and Stacey McMillan (Land Services), Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $15,000 to the Lower Souris Watershed Committee and its Moosomin & District Regional Park Peninsula Project on June 13. Funds will go toward cleanup of invasive species around Moosomin Lake. Pictured (from left): Wayne Beckett (Park Manager); Tyler Fewings (LSWC manager); Les Scott (Community Engagement), Enbridge; Chris Davidson (Moosomin and District Regional Park Authority); Louis Hebert (LSWC); Josh House (Land Services) and Bob Berry (Maintenance Coordinator), Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $60,000 to the Town of Moosomin, SK at the local Eventplex on June 13 -- $35,000 will go toward developing an outdoor event-plex and a hot tub project, while $25,000 will be used by the Moosomin Fire Department toward purchase of a new aerial platform truck. Pictured are (front row, from left) Ryan Kitchen and Joanne Bradbury, Enbridge; Catherine Mannle (assistant recreation director). Second and third rows (from left): Peter Nabholz, Chief Rob Hanson, Mike Cooper and Trevor Green (Moosomin Fire Department); Murray Gray (councillor), Garry Towler (councillor), Mayor Larry Tomlinson, Paul Listrom (town administrator), councilors Ron Fisk and Chris Davidson and Josh House, Enbridge. Holding cheque in the back: Bob Berry (left) and Les Scott, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $25,000 to benefit three community groups within the Village of Maryfield, SK on June 13 -- $10,000 to replace a dated community kitchen in the Auditorium; $10,000 to install a snow cover, and $5,000 to the Maryfield Volunteer Fire Department toward the purchase of Self Contained Breathing Appartus devices. Pictured (from left): Julie Sweeting, (auditorium committee); Josh House, (Land Services), Bob Berry (Maintenance Coordinator) and Joanne Bradbury (Community Engagement), Enbridge; Alanna O’Greysik (auditorium committee), Mike Volk (Enbridge Cromer Operations Supervisor), Lorraine Fidelak (auditorium committee), Parker Wachter (Construction Manager, Enbridge), Barbara and Bryan Swallow (recreation board).
Enbridge contributed $30,000 to the Brandon Riverbank Discovery Centre’s Festival Park along the Assiniboine River on June 13. Funds will be used to develop Festival Park, which will include an amphitheatre, picnic shelters, fire pits, food prep areas and tree planting. Pictured (from left): Enbridge’s David Amos (Land Services), Brian Rohwer (Construction Manager) and Scott Ironside (Director, Prairie Region Operations); Riverbank Discovery Centre’s Kerry Auriat (fundraising co-chair), Lois MacDonald (General Manager), Greg Gingras (Vice President), Dawn Riddle (Acting GM), Ted Shure (board member); Trudy Corbett (fundraising co-chair); Enbridge’s Russ Reimer (Souris-Glenboro Operations) and Guy Krepps (Director, Line 3 Replacement Program).
Enbridge contributed $30,000 to two community organizations in Glenboro, MB on June 13 – the Spruce Lakes Recreation District received $15,000 to build a community picnic area and upgrade washrooms and a canteen, while the Glenboro Community Development Association received an equal amount to upgrade the hall. Community members, including a large group of young ball players turned out for the cheque presentation along with Enbridge representatives including Gerry Book (second row, kneeling), Manager, Gretna Area Operations, and (back row third and fourth from left): Glen Stetsko (area Construction Manager for the Line 3 pipeline replacement program) and Scott Ironside (Director, Prairie Region Operations).
Enbridge contributed $55,000 to the Souris-Glenwood Municipality at the Victoria Park Campground in Souris, MB on June 13. Funds will go toward a major campground project, including $5,000 for the local Agricultural Society for washrooms and a canteen. Pictured (from left): Enbridge’s Scott Ironside (Director, Prairie Region Operations), Guy Krepps (Director, Line 3 Replacement Program), and David Amos (Land Services); Everett Locke (Ag Society President); Jeremy Gerlach (Assistant Construction Manager), Enbridge; Phil Dornian (Chair of the park board); Charlotte Parham (CAO of the Municipality), and Joe Goodwill (councillor); Russ Reimer (Souris-Glenboro Operations) and Whitney Thomas (Commuity Engagement), Enbridge; and Mayor Darryl Jackson.
Enbridge contributed $25,000 to three organizations within the Municipality of Oakland-Wawanesa, in the Village of Wawanesa on June 13 – the local fire department received $10,000 toward purchase of a technical rescue unit; the Souris River Recreation Association received $10,000 to replace a furnace and install water fountains at the Municipality community hall; and the Wawanesa & District Community Hall received $5,000 toward energy efficiency upgrades including new low-flush toilets and appliances. Pictured (front row, left to right) are: Enbridge’s Andrew Plett (Land Services); Steven Trobridge (hall board and fire department); and Scott Ironside (Director, Prairie Region Operations), Enbridge. Back row (from left): Russ Reimer (Souris-Glenboro Operations) and Gerry Book (Manager, Gretna Area Operations), Enbridge; Kevin Moore (hall board), Tracy Cullen (recreation association) and Dennis Gullett (Fire Chief); and Enbridge’s Jeremy Gerlach (Assistant Construction Manager).
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Town of Kipling, Saskatchewan on June 12. Funds will be used for upgrades to the swimming pool, including application of a non-slip floor coating, replacement of sun shades, and enhancements to a children's play area. Pictured (from left): Les Scott (Community Engagement, Enbridge), Mayor Buck Bright (Mayor); Clayton Jago, (Operations, Enrbridge) Gail Daku (Kipling CAO), Josh House (Land Services) and Denny Hay (Construction Manager), Enbridge; and Susan Hangen (Recreation Director).
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Whitewood Recreation Association in Whitewood, Saskatchewan on June 12. The funds will be used for a new liner at the local swimming pool. Pictured (front row, from left): Les Scott, (Community Engagement, Enbridge); Lee Aldous (councillor); Mayor Doug Armstrong; and Josh House (Land Services, Enbridge). Second row (standing, from left): Denny Hay (Construction Manager) and Joanne Bradbury (Community Engagement), Enbridge; Matt Bahm (Recreation Director); and Clayton Jago, (Enbridge Operations). In the lifeguard chair: Jordan Junek (Pool Manager).
Enbridge contributed a total of $27,000 to four organizations in the Village of Wawota, Saskatchewan on June 12 -- $10,000 for roof repairs at the community hall; $10,000 to replace an unsafe playground structure; $5,000 to develop and expand family facilities with an outdoor kitchen; and $2,000 to replace an unsafe fire escape at the curling club. Pictured (from left): Les Scott (Community Engagement) and Denny Hay (Construction Manager), Enbridge; Dan Nicurity (Town of Wawota), Kayla Porter (playground committee); Josh House, (Land Services), Enbridge; Shannon Houff (Wawota Business Enhancement Group); Carla Weatherald and Elly Van Winkoep (Curling Club); Clayton Jago, (Enbridge Operations), Leanne Porter (playground committee); Ryan Kitchen (Land Services) and Joanne Bradbury, (Community Engagement), Enbridge; and Lynette Cheveldae (playground committee).
Enbridge contributed $15,000 to the Rural Municipality of Kingsley, Saskatchewan on June 12 to support the acquisition of a new library space. Pictured (from left): Holly Heikkila (RM Administrator), Charla Smyth (Librarian), (Christina Wooding (Board Member), Shayne Adams (Councillor), Josh House (Land Services, Enbridge). Seated (from left) are Enbridge’s Parker Wachter (Construction Manager), Les Scott (Community Engagement), Clayton Jago (Operations), Joanne Bradbury (Community Engagement) and Denny Hay (Construction Manager).
Enbridge contributed $5,000 to the Village of Fairlight, Saskatchewan on June 12 to support water plant facility upgrades. Pictured (from left): Ryan Kitchen (Land Services) and Les Scott (Community Engagement), Enbridge; Judy Skiba (Alderman), Nadia Metz (Administrator), and Mayor Barry Metz; and Joanne Bradbury (Community Engagement), Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $15,000 to the Langbank Recreation Board in Langbank, Saskatchewan on June 12, to support accessibility upgrades to the community hall. Pictured (seated, from left): Josh House (Land Services), Dorothy Hewson, Gayleen Gurr, Jim Cairns (councillor), Mark Cowan (councillor), Hamilton Tait (Recreation Board), Brenda Cowan, Don Dean and Joanne Bradbury (Community Engagement, Enbridge). Back row (from left): Robin Hewson (Recreation Board), Fred Gravener and Ward Cowan; and Enbridge’s Clayton Jago (Operations), Les Scott (Community Engagement), and Denny Hay (Construction Manager).
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Village of Kennedy, Saskatchewan on June 12, to expand and enhance the local campground. Pictured (front row, from left) are: Clair Dorrance, Clarence Bender (councillor), Mayor Linc Brickly (Mayor) and Ward Frazer (administrator). Back row (from left): Enbridge’s Denny Hay (Construction Manager), Les Scott (Community Engagement), Clayton Jago (Operations), and Josh House (Land Services)
Enbridge contributed $25,000 to the Town of Virden, Manitoba, on June 12, toward development of a community spray park. Pictured (from left): David Amos, Land Services, Enbridge; Tracy Landels, Whitney Wright and Alyssa Elliott of the Spray Park committee; Chris Hamel, Manager, Cromer Area Operations, Cindy Timinsky, Safety Coordinator, and Jeremy Gerlach, Assistant Construction Manager, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $25,000 Rural Municipality of Pipestone and the Cromer Recreation Centre, in the Village of Cromer, Manitoba, on June 12. The funds will be used toward foundation repairs and renovations for the local arena and community hub. Pictured (from left): Chris Hamel, Manager, Cromer Area Operations, Enbridge; Diane Elliott and Tracy Landels (rink committee); Brian Rohwer, Construction Manager and Guy Krepps, Project Director, Line 3 Replacement Program, Enbridge; Les Reimer (contractor, Cromer Valley Construction); and David Amos, Land Services, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $15,000 to two organizations in the Village of Reston, Manitoba, on June 12 – the Reston School Parent Council received $10,000 to build an outdoor classroom for its K-12 students, while the Reston Fair received sponsorship funds totaling $5,000. Pictured (front row, from left): Guy Krepps, Project Director, Line 3 Replacement Program, Enbridge; Nancy Schiltroth (Reston Fair); Stacy Boulton (Parent and School Advisory committee); and Chris Hamel, Manager, Cromer Area Operations, Enbridge. Back row (from left): Brian Rohwer, Construction Manager, Enbridge; Dan Kristof (Principal): and David Amos, Land Services, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $30,000 to the Rural Municipality of Sifton, Manitoba, at the Oak Lake Hall Community Centre on June 12. The funds will support kitchen renovations and accessibility upgrades for the well-used local hall. Pictured are (front row, from left): Larry Wallace (Deputy Reeve and Councillor); Stan Cochrane (hall committee); Brian Rohwer, Construction Manager, Enbridge; Pat Cochrane (hall committee); Chris Hamel, Manager, Cromer Area Operations, Enbridge; and Pat Rampton (committee member). Back row (from left): Dave Roulette (Councillor); Lon Turner (Chief Administrative Officer); David Amos, Land Services, Cindy Timinsky, Safety Coordinator, and Jeremy Gerlach, Assistant Construction Manager, Enbridge; Garry Gardiner (Councillor); and Whitney Thomas (Community Engagement, Enbridge).
Enbridge contributed $5,000 to the United Way of Morden & District on June 6. Pictured (from left): Gerry Book, Manager, Gretna Area Operations, Andrew Plett, Enbridge Land Services and board member of the United Way, Bill Cherowka, Assistant Construction Manager, T.J. Wabash, student representative; Riley Handford, Land Services, and Terry Gibson, fund-raising chair.
Enbridge contributed $15,000 to the Maple Leaf Home and School Advisory Council at the Minnewasta Golf Course in Morden, Manitoba, on June 6. Funds will be used to support installation of new playground equipment. Pictured (from left): Doug Hislop (Enbridge Construction Manager); Linda Marek, Co-Chair; Liz Hildebrand, Secretary; Andrew Plett, Land Services, Gerry Book, Manager, Gretna Area Operations, and Kim Brenneis, Director, Community & Indigenous Engagement, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $50,000 to the Boundary Trails Health Foundation on June 6, toward purchase of new equipment for laparoscopic surgery. Pictured (from left) are: Andrew Plett, Enbridge; Linda Pearce; Gerry Book, Manager, Area Operations, Enbridge; Hugh Lumgair, Carol Penner, Paul Peters, Sara Stoesz; Doug Hislop, Construction Manager, Enbridge; Shannon Samatte-Folkett, Tanya Chateauneuf and Debra Enns; and Riley Handford, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $80,000 to the City of Winkler, Manitoba, on June 6 for a variety of priority community projects: the Butterfly Gardens, an outdoor classroom for the Discovery Nature Sanctuary, the Make Space for Arts program, and development of an emergency operations centres. An additional $10,000 was provided to the Winkler Airport Authority, toward purchase of a GPS approach which will allow STARS air ambulances and others to land more safely at the facility . Pictured (front row, from left): Darin Driedger (SERC), Michael Grenier (Councillor), Kim Brenneis, Director, Community & Indigenous Engagement, Enbridge; Martin Harder (Mayor), Martha Bergman and Tanya Wainio (Butterfly Gardens), Barb Dyck, (TITLE) and WHO?, Art Wiebe (Butterfly Garden). Back row from left – Chris Kalansky (SERC), Richard Paetzold (Fire Chief), Henry Siemens (Councillor) and Paul Goossen (Discovery Nature Sanctuary).
Enbridge contributed $76,000 to the City of Morden, Manitoba, at the Minnewasta Golf Course on June 6, for a variety of priority community projects, including support for the Colert Road walking path, an emergency response training room, and an off-road response vehicle for Morden Fire & Rescue. Community members and Enbridge representatives, including Mayor Ken Wiebe (holding cheque) and Kim Brenneis (Director, Community & Indigenous Engagement) gathered to receive the cheque.
To thank Manitoba communities for their ongoing support of the Line 3 pipeline replacement project, Enbridge made nine individual contributions totaling about $270,000 in the cities of Morden and Winkler as well as the Rural Municipality of Stanley. The funds will support a variety of projects identified by these communities as priorities, ranging from an outdoor classroom at the Discovery Nature Sanctuary in Winkler, the Colert Road Walking Path in Morden, to purchase of a water tanker truck for the RM of Stanley. Also included is a $50,000 contribution to the Boundary Trails Health Foundation to support purchase of equipment for laparoscopic surgery.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Southwood Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee in Schanzenfeld, Manitoba, toward design and construction of a natural play-based park project. Pictured (from left): Bill Cherowka, Assistant Construction Manager, Enbridge; Marilyn Hart; Doug Hislop (Construction Manager) and Andrew Plett (Land Services), Enbridge; Wenona Thiessen, and Linda Dyck.
Enbridge contributed $23,000 to the Village of Darlingford, Manitoba, on June 6 to replace a leaky roof and fix water damage on the ceiling of the Community Centre and for upgrades to another building, the Community Hall. Pictured (back row from left): Whitney Thomas, Glen and Pam Lowry; Enbridge’s Andrew Plett, Riley Handford and Gerry Book, Manager, Gretna Area Operations. Front row (from left): Doug Hislop, Enbridge Construction Manager; Jennifer Faux and Steve Barron; and Bill Cherowka, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $20,000 to the Village of Somerset, Manitoba, on June 6. The funds will go toward development of a cenotaph/community park and replacement of appliances at the community hall. Pictured (back row, from left): Glen Stetsko, Enbridge Construction Manager; Chuck Schmidt and Aranda Adams; Andrew Plett and Mike Jespersen, Enbridge; and Gerry Archambault. Front row (from left): Whitney Thomas, Enbridge; Yvonne Maes, Donna Howarth, George Adams; Jacob Partridge, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $25,000 to the Nellie McClung Heritage Site, toward the upkeep of two homes once occupied by famed women’s rights advocate Nellie McClung. The homes are a popular tourist attraction in Manitou, Manitoba. Pictured (back row from left) are: Reeve Glenn Shiskoski, Pat Mitchell; Glen Stetsko (Enbridge Construction Manager); Fraser McIntosh, Al Thorleifson, Cassandra Morrow, Dale Baloun and Walter Mueller. Front row (from left): Joanne Bradbury and Riley Handford of Enbridge; Bette Mueller; Mike Jespersen, Enbridge; and Robert McLean.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Municipality of St. Leon, Manitoba, to support the construction of washrooms and a sun shade at the local playground. Pictured (front): Gaetan Talbot. Middle row (from left): Lindsay Ketsman, Phil Grenier, Adrien Cailler. Back row (from left): Enbridge’s Whitney Thomas, Andrew Plett, Mike Jespersen and Jacob Partridge.
Enbridge contributed $30,000 to the Town of Swan Lake, Manitoba, on June 6. The funds will go toward various projects including upgrades to the community hall, the Friendship Club facility and ball diamond as well as replacement of geothermal pumps in the recreation complex. Pictured (from left): Enbridge’s Whitney Thomas; Kelly Heirman; Mike Jespersen, Enbridge; Marielle Rigaux, Gerrry van de Kerckhove, Edward Goderis, Lucas van Wever, Anne Goderis, and Enbridge’s Glen Stetsko, Josh House and Andrew Plett.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Manitou Opera House Foundation toward an Accessibility Project and youth programming. Pictured (back row, from left) are: Al Thorleifson and Dale Dobson; Mike Jespersen and Riley Handford, Enbridge; Richard Klassen and Jennifer Dobson. Front row (from left): Les Scott, Enbridge; Garry Young, Thor Thorleifson, Lindy Sharpe, Lynda Matchullis and Walter Mueller; Whitney Thomas and David Coll of Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Village of Bruxelles, Manitoba, on June 6 for upgrades to the community hall and a park pathway. Pictured (from left): community members Benny DeRuyck, Marcie Carels and Edward Hacault; Enbridge Construction Manager Glen Stetsko; Ken Hilhorst; Mike Jespersen and Josh House, Enbridge; Linda Jonk; and Andrew Plett and Whitney Thomas, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $20,000 to upgrade two campgrounds within the Municipality of Pembina, Manitoba -- in Manitou and La Riviere. Pictured (from left): Wes Unrau and Cassandra Morrow; Mike Jespersen (Enbridge); Bonnie Dobson and Glenn Shiskoski; Glen Stetsko (Enbridge Construction Manager); Riley Handford, Les Scott and Joanne Bradbury of Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the La Riviere Recreation Association for community hall upgrades. Pictured (from left): Riley Handford, Enbridge; Lois Creith; Glen Stetsko (Enbridge Construction Manager); Melodie Morrow; Mike Jespersen, Enbridge; Norm and Ev Janzen.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Manitou Agricultural Society, which will go toward upgrades to the fairgrounds. Pictured (back row, from left) are: Andy Keen, Regan Boulton, Ray Smith and Hayden Toback; Riley Handford, Enbridge; Ayden Dobson; Glen Stetsko, Enbridge Construction Manager; Colter Sprung; Mike Jespersen, Enbridge; Cash Frank, Avery Dobson and Melodie Morrow. Front row (from left); Delaney Smith, Lukas Cavers, Grace Keen, Grady Smith, Fischer Cavers, Will Keen, Keaston Sprung and Madison Toback.
Enbridge contributed $98,000 to community organizations within the Municipality of Pembina, in Manitou, Manitoba on June 6 and a number of residents turned up for a photo on the grounds of the Nellie McClung Heritage Site. In addition to supporting renovations to two old homes of pioneering women’s rights advocate Nellie McClung, funds will go toward several other projects identified by the communities themselves as priorities including an arts and accessibility project at the historic Manitou Opera House as well as fairgrounds, campgrounds and community hall enhancements.
Enbridge contributed $5,000 to the Altona Library desk project, in Altona, Manitoba, on June 6. The funds cover the final $5,000 to enable the busy local library to replace the front service desk. The total cost of the renovation is approximately $20,000. Pictured (from left): Enbridge’s Les Scott and Joanne Bradbury, Community Relations; Doug Hislop (Construction Manager); Rachel Friesen, Branch Librarian; Cathy Ching, Director; and Bill Cherowka (Assistant Construction Manager, Enbridge).
Enbridge contributed $15,000 to the Town of Gretna, Manitoba, at its Community Arena on June 6. The funds will assist in replacing old mercury vapor lighting with energy-efficient LED lighting. Pictured (from left): Don Wiebe, Reeve, Rhineland Municipality; Bill Cherowka, Assistant Construction Manager, Enbridge; Chris Franz, Chair of the Gretna Arena Committee; Les Scott, Community Engagement; Doug Hislop, Construction Manager, Enbridge; Mike Rempel, CAO, Rhineland; and Joanne Bradbury, Community Engagement, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Village of Plum Coulee, Manitoba, at the local fire hall on June 6. The funds will cover the cost of a new and lighter weight portable water pump for firefighting. Pictured (from left): Enbridge’s Bill Cherowka (Assistant Construction Manager) and Doug Hislop (Construction Manager); Don Wiebe, Reeve, Rhineland Municipality; volunteer firefighters Mack Willey and Ashley Wall; Fire Chief Tony Fehr; and Les Scott, Community Engagement, Enbridge.
Enbridge contributed $35,000 to the Town of Altona, Manitoba, on June 6. The funds will go toward relocation of an emergency operations centre, safety upgrades to the Altona Ash Playground, and a new front desk project for the South Central Regional Library. Pictured (standing, from left): Cathy Ching and Rachel Friesen (Altona Library); Enbridge’s Doug Hislop (Construction Manager), Bill Cherowka (Assistant Construction Manager) and Joanne Bradbury (Community Engagement); Dan Gagne, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Altona. Front Row (from left): Glen Robinson (Councillor), Al Friesen (Councillor and Deputy Mayor), and Mayor Mel Klassen.
Enbridge contributed $20,000, split equally between the Rural Municipality and Town of Francis, Saskatchewan, toward development of an emergency management plan for the RM and to coordinate volunteer training; the Town will use the funds to purchase new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus devices. Front row, from left: Al Sawatzky, Enbridge Construction Manager, Line 3 Replacement Program; Megan Macomber, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town; Guy Krepps, Project Director, Line 3; volunteer firefighters Kim Connery, Garth Connery, Lorna Muhr, Ron Rotelive (also town Mayor), Kris Lang, Ron Wiggins; Barret Gaetz, Acting Deputy Reeve, RM of Francis. Back Row: firefighter, Reg Helfrick, Chad Morris, Enbridge Land Agent, and Cliff Knoll, Fire Chief.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Village of Vibank, Saskatchewan, which will be used toward the purchase of a new refrigeration unit for the Co-Operative Community Centre arena. From left: Ryan Reiss, Mayor; Denny Hay , Enbridge Assistant Construction Manager; Nathan Schmidt, Community Centre President; Roger Ecarnot, Deputy Mayor; Dagmar Crumley, Chief Administrative Officer; and Enbridge’s Chad Morris, Land Agent; and Les Scott, Community Relations.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Kemoca Regional Park Authority for upgrades including installation of park benches, garbage receptacles and walking trail rest areas. Kemoca takes its name from the first two letters of three area communities in Saskatchewan—Kendal, Montmartre, and Candiac, Saskatchewan. From left: Chris Hamel, Manager, Area Operations with Enbridge; Renee Marshall, Secretary Treasurer for the park; Denny Hay, Enbridge Assistant Construction Manager; Jolene Warken, Vice Chair; Sharon May, park Manager; Les Scott, Community Relations, Enbridge; Ken Weichel, park Chairman; Jared Daku, Land Agent, Enbridge; and Jordan Kotylak, board member of the park committee.
Enbridge contributed $23,000 to the Village of Glenavon, Saskatchewan, toward installation of a spray park, energy efficiency upgrades for the local rink, and upgrades to the library. Back row, left to right: Joanne Bradbury, Community Engagement; Chris Hamel, Manager Area Operations; Jared Daku, Land Agent; JoAnn Bonk, Library; Nancy Wozniak, Sportsplex; and Denny Hay , Enbridge Assistant Construction Manager. Front row: Les Scott, Community Engagement; Dean Silverthorn, Shayla Ogg and Arnold Silverthorn with the Lions Spray Park.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Village of Odessa, Saskatchewan, for community hall upgrades. Front row (from left): James Vogt, hall committee member, Al Sawatzky, Enbridge Construction Manager, Line 3 Replacement Program, Larry Lockert, Mayor, Chris Hamel, Manager, Area Operations with Enbridge. Back Row: Enbridge’s Chad Morris, Land Agent, Joanne Bradbury, Community Relations, and Denny Hay, Assistant Construction Manager.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Village of Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Playground Committee, $5,000 for new AEDs for the village fire trucks, and $2,000 toward badly-needed repairs at the library, for a total of $15,000. Enbridge personnel on hand to present the cheque included (from right), Joel McKim (L3 Assistant Construction Manager), Jordan Halter (Area Operations), Ray Blackmore, and Allen Sawatzky (L3 Construction Manager. Representing Dodsland Village are Tennille Summach and Lorna Bennett (Dodsland Library Board), Librarians Laureen Schan and Janice McCarthy, Assistant Fire Chief Grant Christison, and Village Administrator Amy Sittler.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Village of Coleville, Saskatchewan, to install a low emissivity ceiling in the village skating rink. Enbridge personnel on hand to present the cheque included (from right), Joel McKim (L3 Assistant Construction Manager), Dan Tischler (Manager of Area Operations), Allen Sawatzky (L3 Construction Manager), and Ray Blackmore. Representing Coleville Village are Kathy Sproule and Troy Miller (Coleville Recreation Board), Harold Lea (Mayor), and Justin Rechenmacher (Councillor).
Enbridge contributed $10,000 to the Herschel Memorial Hall Cooperative Ltd. to support furnace replacement at the Herschel Memorial Hall in Herschel, Saskatchewan. Enbridge personnel on hand to present the cheque included (from left), Joel McKim (L3 Assistant Construction Manager), Peter Hansen (Community Engagement), Allen Sawatzky (L3 Construction Manager), Stacey McMillan (Lands Services), Jordan Halter (Area Operations), and Dan Tischler (Manager of Area Operations). Representing the Herschel Memorial Hall Cooperative Ltd. is Jimmee Wiens, Chairperson.
Enbridge contributed $5,000 to the Community Recreation Board of Plenty to support washroom renovations at the Plenty Memorial Arena in Plenty, Saskatchewan. Enbridge personnel on hand to present the cheque included (from left), Stacey McMillan (Lands Services), Dan Tischler (Manager of Area Operations), Allen Sawatzky (L3 Construction Manager, Peter Hansen (Community Engagement), Jordan Halter (Area Operations), and Ray Blackmore. Representing Village of Plenty are Mike Palmier (Treasurer, CROP), Braden Olson, and Ben Olson.
Enbridge contributed $25,000 to Regina Hospital Foundation and Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, including $18,000 to support the children’s program at the Centre and neonatal intensive care units. Enbridge personnel on hand to present the cheque were (from left): Chad Morris, Joanne Bradbury, Eldon Strachan (Manager, Regina Area Operations), Les Scott, Guy Krepps (Project Director, Line 3 Replacement Program) and (far right) Denny Hay, Assistant Construction Manager. Representing the Hospital Foundation/Rehabilitation Centre were Kent Windsor, physical therapist; Anne Marie Dreher, occupational therapist; and Dino Sophocleous, President & CEO of the Hospitals of Regina Foundation.
Enbridge contributed $45,000 to the Rural Muncipality of Edenwold, Saskatchewan, to develop a community greenspace with picnic tables, extend a walking path and raise crosswalks for pedestrian safety. From left, Enbridge’s Chad Morris, Landman, Denny Hay, Assistant Construction Manager, Guy Krepps, Project Director, Line 3 Replacement Program, Wade Hoffman, Public Works Manager with the RM, Eldon Strachan, Manager, Area Operations, Regina with Enbridge and the RM’s Karen Zaharia, administrative assistant, Wayne Joyce, Councillor, and Jessica Mitchell, planning and development.
Enbridge contributed $35,000 to the Town of White City, Saskatchewan, including $20,000 for playground equipment at a local park and $15,000 toward the purchase of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus units for the Fire Department. From left, Denny Hay, Assistant Construction Manager with Enbridge, Bruce Evans, Mayor of White City, Carla Ferstl, Recreation Director, Fire Chief Randy Schulz, and Enbridge’s Eldon Strachan (Manager, Area Operations, Regina) and Guy Krepps (Project Director, Line 3 Replacement Program).
Kent Windsor, physical therapist at Regina's Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, provided insight into the great work the centre does to “get children moving” and enhance their physical and mental well-being during a facility tour for visiting Enbridge personnel, including Joanne Bradbury (Community Relations) and Guy Krepps (Project Director, Line 3 Replacement Program).
Enbridge contributed $10,000 toward revitalization of a green space for the Town of Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan. From left, Eldon Strachan (Manager, Area Operations, Regina) with Enbridge, Ed Sigmeth (Deputy Mayor), Brian Chmarney (Director, Parks & Recreation) and Les Scott (Enbridge Community Relations).
The Village of Sedley, Saskatchewan, received $10,000 from Enbridge for a children’s spray park, for which construction will begin in June. Village representatives on hand to receive the fund included Mayor Brad Leier (centre right), Tracy Brown of the Spray Park Committee (left) and Samantha Gillies, Chief Administrative Officer. Enbridge was represented by (from left): Les Scott, Denny Hay, Greg Gianoli and Chad Morris.
Enbridge contributed $10,000 toward a 1.25 km extension of an existing 8 km walking path for the Town of Balgonie, Saskatchewan, near Regina. When complete, the trail will connect the east and west sides of town. From left, Les Scott (Enbridge Community Relations), Darren Kiel and Kelvin Solie (councilors), Shaun McBain (Superintendent) and Eldon Strachan (Manager, Area Operations, Regina) with Enbridge.
Enbridge donated $17,500 to the community of Windthorst, Saskatchewan. Of that total, $10,000 will be directed towards the replacement of non-slip matting in the community arena, while $7,500 will be directed to the community hall for facility upgrades.
This pumping unit for the Kronau and District Emergency Response volunteers was made possible by a previous $10,000 Enbridge Safe Community grant.