HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 1 of 10
From left: New home owner April Green; her daughter Trinity; and Peter Steward, board chair, Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward-Hastings.
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 2 of 10
For new homeowner Amy Maracle, the new digs have allowed her kids to be kids. “They love it. They don’t fight as much,” she says with a laugh. “Kaylynn is excited to have her own room—she says she can lock her brother out now.”
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 3 of 10
Enbridge employees take a break during a volunteer home building shift in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Belleville, Quebec. Enbridge helped these two Tyendinaga home projects across the finish line with employee volunteer hours and a $100,000 donation.
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 4 of 10
New homeowner Amy Maracle and Enbridge's Jeff Paetz. All Habitat families are required to put at least 500 hours of “sweat equity,” or volunteer labor, into their home.
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 5 of 10
Amy Maracle receives the keys to her new home. In Canada, Habitat for Humanity’s Indigenous Housing Partnership has helped 191 families move in—including more than 40 on First Nations, Métis settlements and traditional territories.
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 6 of 10
A warm welcome from Amy Maracle's daughter Kaylynn's Grade 3 classmates. Since 1976, Habitat for Humanity has strengthened communities around the world by building affordable housing for families, and now operates in more than 70 countries.
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 7 of 10
From left, State Group's Paulina Barnes and Enbridge's Todd Vollrath at the January 2019 key ceremony on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 8 of 10
Says Amy Maracle: “When my kids got into the new house, they just ran all over the place. They were going nuts—one room to the next, to the basement, back upstairs. I’ve even seen my dog’s attitude change. I have a big dog. Justice is a mastiff-Husky-German shepherd cross, and he’s about 80 pounds. He likes the extra room too.”
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 9 of 10
“It’s been a fabulous partnership with the Chief and the MBQ,” says Tracey Reid, manager of resource development for the Prince Edward-Hastings chapter. “They’ve been super supportive, and the businesses in the area have been too."
HFH Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte home builds: No. 10 of 10
Kaylynn's Grade 3 class also made quilts for the Maracle family's beds, and presented them during the key ceremony in January 2019.