Doing good works for water and wildlife

Mark recently purchased a 120-acre plot of land near Ashland, WI that was previously used as a dairy farm. And to restore the original wetlands, he’s getting some help from Enbridge’s Ecofootprint Grant program. By deepening the existing wetlands and removing invasive plants like narrow-leaf cattail and reed canary grass, this restoration project not only attracts migratory birds and pollinators—it also helps capture sediment, reduces erosion and improves drinking water for residents of Ashland. “Everyone around here knows Chequamegon Bay turns to chocolate milk when we have a significant runoff event. A project like this can help reduce that from happening,” says Ben, a Bayfield County conservationist. Adds Mark: “We all live on Chequamegon Bay, and we all want to see the water quality improve.”