How do you stay prepared in case of a pipeline emergency?
We hope we never have to respond to a pipeline leak. But if we do, we’re ready. Enbridge maintains strong emergency preparedness and response systems that we regularly test and continuously improve alongside local first responders, emergency management officials, and law enforcement.
In the event of an incident, Enbridge personnel and contractors have robust and tested emergency response expertise, training, and equipment to ensure a safe, speedy and effective response.
To keep our employees and contractors prepared, we stage regular simulation exercises and drills in all of our operating regions, such as:
- Tabletop exercises, including events that involve our company-wide Enbridge Enterprise Emergency Response Team (E3RT);
- Equipment demonstration events; and
- Full-scale simulation and resource deployment events.
During these exercises, our employees and contractors—usually in concert with local and regional first-response agencies—participate in full-day staged simulations of a pipeline spill, with our full response coordinated in real time.
During these drills, observers from local first responders, agencies, government and industry often observe the process and earn a firsthand look at how we are prepared to react in the event of a large-scale incident.
It also gives them the opportunity to provide feedback on how they would respond or assist during a pipeline emergency.