Enbridge Quick Facts
At Enbridge, our goal is to be the first-choice energy delivery company in North America and beyond—for customers, communities, investors, regulators and policymakers, and employees.
Established in 1949, Enbridge delivers the energy that fuels quality of life. We safely connect millions of people around the world to the energy they rely on every day through our four core businesses—liquids pipelines, natural gas pipelines, gas utilities and storage, and renewable energy.
As a diversified energy company, we are uniquely positioned to help accelerate the global transition to a cleaner energy future, and we’re doing it in ways that are ethical, sustainable and socially responsible. We’re pioneering new low-carbon energy technologies. We’re focused on reducing the carbon footprint of the energy we deliver. And we’re committed to achieving net-zero emissions from our operations by 2050.1, 3
We also recognize the vital importance of a secure, reliable and affordable supply of energy.
We move about 30% of the crude oil produced in North America, we transport nearly 20% of the natural gas consumed in the U.S., and we operate North America’s largest natural gas utility by volume. Enbridge was an early investor in renewable energy, and we have a growing offshore wind portfolio.
Headquartered in Calgary, Canada with major offices in Houston, Edmonton, Toronto, Duluth, MN, Superior, WI, and Chatham, ON, Enbridge has a workforce of about 16,000 people, primarily in the U.S. and Canada.
Operations: Liquids pipelines
- Enbridge operates the world's longest and most complex oil and liquids transportation system, with approximately 18,085 miles (29,104 km) of active crude pipeline across North America—including 9,619 miles (15,480 km) of active pipe in the United States, and 8,466 miles (13,624 km) of active pipe in Canada
- We deliver about 5.8 million barrels of oil and liquids every day on our cross-continent pipeline network (total includes joint ventures such as Gray Oak and Seaway)
- We transport about 30% of the crude oil produced in North America
- We transport about 65% of U.S.-bound Canadian production
- We account for 40% of total U.S. crude oil imports
Operations: Natural gas transmission and storage
- Enbridge's natural gas transmission and midstream network stretches for about 18,952 miles (30,500 kilometers) across North America and the Gulf of Mexico—or 72,552 miles (116,761 km) including the approximately 48,000 miles of gathering pipe and 5,600 miles of gas and NGL transmission pipe owned and operated by DCP Midstream (see below)
- We transport about 20% of all natural gas consumed in the United States
- We transport about 20.5 Bcf/d (billion cubic feet per day) of natural gas, based on 2024 figures
- We have 273.8 Bcf (billion cubic feet) of net working storage through our gas transmission operations in the U.S. and Canada
- DCP Midstream (a joint venture between Enbridge Inc. and Phillips 66) is one of the largest producers of natural gas liquids and processors of natural gas in the United States.
Operations: Gas utilities and storage
- Enbridge Gas is North America’s largest natural gas utility by volume, following our September 2023 announcement on the acquisition of three U.S. utilities—Dominion Energy Ohio; Dominion Energy North Carolina; and Questar Gas, serving customers in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. With all acquisitions now complete, Enbridge Gas delivers about 9.3 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day (Bcf/d) to about 7 million customers
- Enbridge Gas has been delivering energy for more than 175 years; its collective franchise network now consists of 110,606 miles (178,002 km) of gas transmission, transportation and distribution mainlines in Ontario, Ohio, Utah, North Carolina, Wyoming, Idaho and Quebec
- Enbridge’s natural gas distribution operations also feature 351.6 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of net working storage, largely at the Dawn Hub in southwestern Ontario
Renewable energy and power generation
- We’ve committed more than US$8 billion (about C$12 billion) in capital to renewable energy projects (currently in operation or under construction)
- Together, our renewable energy projects (either operating or under construction) have the capacity to generate 6,611 megawatts (MW) gross, or 3,481 MW net, of zero-emission energy
- Our renewable projects generate enough green energy to meet the electricity needs of about 1.3 million homes, based on net generation figures for projects in operation or under construction
Community investment
- In 2023, we invested about US$17.3 million (about C$23.4 million) in 4,128 organizations across North America to advance community-strengthening initiatives aligned to our three focus areas (health and safety, environment and community)
- In 2023, we invested about US$1.5 million (C$2.1 million) to 193 emergency response organizations through our Safe Community First Responder Program; since its establishment in 2002, we've invested about US$20 million (C$26.1 million) in first response organizations across North America
- In 2024, our various employee-led United Way campaigns raised about US$4.2 million (C$5.7 million) for chapters in 147 communities across North America, through fundraising events, employee pledges and matching corporate contributions, and another US$470K (C$636K) on GivingTuesday, the world's largest generosity movement
Emergency preparedness and response
- In 2024, we staged 265 drills, exercises and equipment deployment events, in all regions where we operate, to test and sharpen our emergency preparedness
- Through 2024, we've provided emergency response training to more than 2,700 of our employees and direct contractors, including in-depth Incident Command System (ICS) training
Indigenous engagement
- Enbridge generated C$369 million in Indigenous economic opportunities in 2020, including direct and indirect contracting opportunities and wages paid to Indigenous workers
- As part of the Line 3 replacement in Minnesota, as of spring 2021, about 6% (562 workers) of the project workforce are Tribal members, and we’ve spent US$250 million to datewith Tribal businesses and on Tribal wages. We’re conducting outreach to all 11 Minnesota Tribes to discuss business and training opportunities; we’ve identified more than 100 (and counting) Native American-owned businesses for contractors to use; and we’ve co-hosted or supported multiple training programs and job fairs for Tribal members
- In Canada, the Line 3 Replacement Program generated more than $400 million in Indigenous economic benefits, including $116 million in wages paid to Indigenous workers; during project construction, more than 1,100 Indigenous men and women were employed on the project—comprising 20% of the overall workforce.
- In the course of our projects and operations, we regularly deal with more than 300 Indigenous Nations and groups in Canada, and 30 federally recognized Native American Tribes in the U.S.
- Our supply chain group has more than 930 qualified Indigenous business in a company-wide database
Safety is not just a core value at Enbridge—it’s the foundation of everything we do.
System fitness and leak detection
- We spent US$1.27 billion (C$1.74 billion) in 2024 on programs that help us to maintain the fitness of our systems across our operations in the U.S. and Canada
- We had 4 reportable spills on our crude oil and liquids systems in 2024
- In 2024 we spilled 2,181 barrels of crude oil, all of them inside our own facilities, from a delivery total of more than 4.7 billion (4,734,968,333) barrels, for a safe delivery record of 99.9999539%
- Over the past decade, from 2015 through 2024 inclusive, we've transported more than 39 billion (39,245,811,277) barrels of oil, with a safe delivery record of 99.999964%
- We completed 39,641 pipeline inspections on our liquids and natural gas pipelines and distribution networks in 2024
- We carried out 456 inline inspections in 2024 across our liquids and natural gas systems
- We carried out 962 preventative maintenance digs in 2024 across our liquids and natural gas systems
- In 2024, we invested US$14.8 million (C$20.3 million) on advanced leak detection/inspection systems to boost our ability to identify small leaks early, and respond more quickly and effectively
- In 2024, Enbridge Gas Inc. and its affiliates conducted leak surveys on 22,755 kilometers (14,139 miles) of distribution mains in Ontario and Quebec, and surveyed 939,748 service lines used to carry gas from the mains to customers’ residences
Awards and recognition
(For more information, please visit our Awards and Recognition webpage)
- Named among the Thomson Reuters Top 100 Global Energy Leaders in 2018
- Named to the 2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) North American index
- Named to Bloomberg’s Gender Equality Index five years in a row, most recently in 2023
- Named to the Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada list 17 straight times, through 2019
- Named to the Canada’s Top 100 Employers list 22 times, through 2025
- Ranked among Canada’s Best Diversity Employers 11 times, most recently in 2025
- Named to Thomson Reuters’ 2018 Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Index as one of the world’s Top 100 most diverse and inclusive organizations
- Named to the Forbes America's Best Employers for Diversity list in 2020
- Named to the Canada’s Top Employers for Young People index for three years, most recently in 2019
- Ranked among Top Employers for Canadians Over 40 11 times, through 2025
- Ranked on the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations list for nine straight years through 2018
Climate change, emissions reduction and energy efficiency
- Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, announced in November 2020, represent the next stage of our evolution as an ESG leader. As part of our ESG goals announcement, we've committed to achieving company-wide, net-zero GHG emissions from our operations by 20501, 3, and reducing the intensity of GHG emissions from our operations by 35% by 20301, 2.
- Cumulatively, between 1995 and the end of 2015, Enbridge Gas’ customer energy efficiency programs saved about 10.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas and reduced carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 19.4 million tonnes—the equivalent of taking about 3.8 million cars off the road for a year
- Enbridge Gas’ customer energy efficiency plan, from 2015 through 2020, has committed about $360 million to target 7 million cumulative cubic meters of natural gas savings, reducing customers’ CO2 emissions by about 13.4 tonnes.
1 GHG emissions included within our targets are from assets over which we have operational control (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions). Projected reductions of GHG emissions intensity and absolute emissions is relative to the 2018 baseline year. For more information, see our 2023 Sustainability Report.
2 This metric aggregates emissions and throughput for each business unit on the basis of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per energy delivered in petajoules (“PJ”). Estimated emissions (tCO2e) and volume (PJ) information as at Q4, 2023 is based on pre-audited numbers.
3 Absolute emissions.