Energy helps fuel achievement of lifelong dreams

People kayaking on a river

National Bucket List Day

May 8, 2024

Clear, blue water.

Images of clouds waver as reflections on the surface of a river.

Birds chirp in the trees near the riverbank.

A paddle splashes as it dips into the water, guiding a kayak downstream.

Paddling one of Michigan’s waterways might be at the top of the list for some, while others seek to head to Traverse City and wine country.

Others might be eager to experience a camping getaway to one of Michigan’s approximately 13,000 campsites or head to one of the state’s many islands near the shores of the Great Lakes.

Many Michiganders might be among the hundreds of thousands who have their sights set on visiting all 50 states, traveling abroad, going on a cruise, or taking that long-awaited fishing trip.

While items on a bucket list run the gamut, they have at least one thing in common—they require energy.

Line 5 provides energy to people, makes thousands of consumer products possible

“Beyond the planning and emotional energy, many of Michiganders’ varied aspirations hinge in part on the light crude oil and natural gas liquids Enbridge’s Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac transports safely each day,” said Lauren Brown, Enbridge’s community engagement advisor in northern Michigan.

Lauren Brown 

“You might not be aware, but the energy from Line 5 might help someone realize a goal or attain an item on their bucket list. The pipeline helps in the production of more than 6,000 consumer items.”

—Lauren Brown, Enbridge’s community engagement manager in northern Michigan

“Line 5 provides the fuel for travel, as well as the energy and materials used in the manufacture of thousands of products—camping and fishing gear, boats, bikes, paddle boards, and yes, kayaks of all shapes and colors. They all rely on product transported through Line 5.”

Create your adventures today

Whether it’s learning how to swim, reading 20 best-selling books, or embarking on a cross-country bike trip, or padding on all of the Great Lakes, a bucket list reflects one’s personal quests.

Creating a bucket list can be viewed as another way of setting life goals for yourself,” psychotherapist Karen Balumbu-Bennett, LCSW, PMH-C, shared with

“Research shows that people who are intentional about writing down goals are more likely to reach them. A bucket list can help you stay goal-oriented and excited to engage in new adventures.”

Don’t have a bucket list? It is easy to create one:

  • Think about what you want to do.
  • Make a list of what would make you happy or get your adrenaline pumping.
  • Talk with those whom you might want to share in the activity.
  • Include short- and long-term ideas.
  • Recognize some ideas for the bucket list will be easier to achieve than others.
  • Allow flexibility, recognizing that your dream might change.

“It’s satisfying to know that in some way, Line 5 can have a role in helping people to achieve their lifelong dreams,” said Brown.

Launched in 2023, National Bucket List Day is celebrated April 24, but is in full swing during May.