Inspiring passion into action, leading by example

Diverse group of construction works gathered

Jan. 17 marks International Mentoring Day

Jan. 17, 2024

Parents, teachers, colleagues, managers, family friendswho mentored you?

It’s one question that can have multiple answers, especially across generations.

Americans report significant increases in mentoring relationships over the past 30 years, according to a study facilitated by MENTOR and funded by EY. Of the 2,600 who participated in the U.S. study:

  • 56% indicated they had a mentor;
  • 66% of those under 40 report a mentoring relationship;
  • 67% of those between 18 and 21 remember a time when they needed a mentor and didn’t have one; and,
  • 56% of respondents gave credit for their life’s successes to their mentors.

“Mentoring takes energy,” said Paul Meneghini, Enbridge manager of community engagement for Michigan, “though nurturing talent and fostering a sense of community is well worth the investment. Listening, coaching, leading by exampleall of it goes a long way empowering staff and harnessing diverse skills vital to delivering to the region the energy transported safely each day through Line 5.”

MENTOR, founded in 1990, would agree with Meneghini, as would Mentor Michigan, a program under the state’s Labor and Economic Opportunity arm.

Paul Meneghini 

“Mentoring is so important on many levels.”

—Paul Meneghini, Enbridge manager of community engagement in Michigan

Studies have shown that mentoring promotes a strong sense of self, feelings of belonging, building community, and contributing to overall well-being.

While Meneghini, a native Michigander, notes that mentoring extends beyond the workplace into the hundreds of youths and multiple STEM programs Enbridge supports, including in Michigan, he cites that Enbridge also offers formal mentoring programs.

For instance, the Enbridge U.S. Legal Mentorship Program invites 10 first-year law students to participate. In particular, the one-year program seeks to engage those who face adversity or lack access to legal mentors in their existing networks.

The program offers a blend of group and one-on-one mentorship, providing a supportive network of more than 250 legal professionals across the U.S. and Canada.

“Mentoring is so important on many levels,” continued Meneghini.

“I’ve been supported by so many people in my career and on a personal level.  It truly exemplifies the ‘give back’ attitude we have at Enbridge.”

January is National Mentoring Month, while Jan. 17 marks International Mentoring Day. For additional information on how you can make a difference through mentoring, visit MENTOR or Mentor Michigan.