Sequoia Solar Project

Enbridge is building the Sequoia Solar project to provide clean electricity via long term power purchase agreements to AT&T and Toyota North America. As electricity demand continues to grow across the U.S., Sequoia Solar will supply vast amounts of much needed power into the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) market.

The Sequoia Solar Project will be 815 megawatts ac (MW) once completed in early 2026.

Project overview:

  • Type: Solar power
  • Status: Construction
  • Location: Callahan County, Texas
  • Expected capacity: 815 MW
  • Expected commercial operation date: 2026
Google Earth map

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Project Information:

Project Updates

Enbridge is currently finishing the first phase of construction on the project and site preparation has already begun on Phase 2. During this time, we continue to ask those that are travelling in and around the project area to do so with caution as there will be increased activity on local roads.