CCUS and low-carbon projects

There’s a worldwide transition to low- or zero-carbon economies, and Enbridge is proud to be part of it.

We continue to advance this transition by focusing on low-carbon energy solutions for transport and export, while reducing and capturing emissions from our operations.

In recent years, Enbridge has started to invest in technology that allows us to capture and store carbon dioxide, a gas that accounts for approximately 80% of all GHG emissions from human activities.

Enbridge’s Open Access Wabamun Carbon Hub is currently under development west and north of Edmonton, AB. The Wabamun Hub will be one of the world’s largest fully integrated CCS complexes.

Once built, local Indigenous groups will have the opportunity to co-own the CO2 transportation and storage assets, generating stable revenue streams for these communities for many years.

Our announced partnership with Oxy Low Carbon Ventures to explore a CO2 pipeline and sequestration hub in Corpus Christi, TX continues to advance commercial discussions with potential customers. Once complete, the project will be able to store up to 15 MTPA of CO2.

Enbridge is also working alongside Yara, the world’s largest ammonia distributor, to develop a low-carbon blue ammonia production and export facility, to meet growing global and domestic demand.

The facility, to be located at Ingleside, is planning to capture 95% of the CO2 produced and is anticipated to be one of the world’s largest blue ammonia facilities once completed and in-service. The project is currently expected to be in-service in 2028.

In Canada, we’re reviewing our right-of-way (ROW) capabilities on our Regional Oil Sands (Athabasca) system to provide service for a CO2 pipeline serving oil sands producers.

Enbridge is also exploring the development of blue hydrogen production as well as potential H2 and CO2 pipeline infrastructure both in Canada and in the U.S.

Pipes and tanks

Yara and Enbridge to construct a low-carbon blue ammonia project at Enbridge Ingleside Energy Center

Enbridge and Yara will utilize their complementary strengths to develop and execute the project. Learn more.

Worker walking among white pipes

Enbridge and Oxy Low Carbon Ventures to explore the development of a CO2 pipeline transportation and sequestration hub near Corpus Christi

This joint project would provide a complete CO2 solution for area emitters. Learn more.