2024 Liquids Pipelines
Your first-choice energy delivery partner
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President’s message

As we celebrate our 75th anniversary this year, I’m reflective of our incredible journey.

Our mission has always been to safely deliver crude oil and liquids products to major markets. I’m proud of the generations of pipeliners who have worked tirelessly to make this happen, and grateful for such a dedicated team.

We’ve come a long way, learning, adapting, innovating and growing.

I’m equally proud of our strong relationships with you, our customers. Listening to your feedback has helped us strengthen our relationships as well as our reliability, customer service, market optionality, competitiveness and your netbacks. We appreciate your business, and hope you continue to think of us as your first-choice pipeliner.

Our unequivocal commitment to safety and reliability

It takes incredible focus and dedication to foster the safety culture we’ve created. We’ve steadily upped our game on safety, improving practices, and investing billions of dollars in our system’s integrity programs and pipe replacements, like Line 3, to become a top decile operator. While it’s a never-ending pursuit, we’re proud of this year’s safe delivery record—including an ex-Gretna delivery record of 3,266 kbpd in December 2023.

Doing our part to enhance customer value

After years of cyclical lows, industry has returned to growing production from all basins. We had a banner year, and our team hustled and innovated to keep the systems full for the majority of 2023. This meant safely delivering approximately six million bpd of your crude through our Mainline, Flanagan South, Gray Oak and Ingleside systems. And we did this while crafting a win-win Mainline tolling agreement. In 2024, we will focus on optimizing the Mainline system while also looking to expand our capability and optionality in the Permian basin.

Serving your needs now and into the future

We know you have options. But we believe providing top-tier customer service will continue to set us apart. We're committed to transporting as much crude as possible for our North American customers, creatively and safely. We’ll do so by continuing to connect customers to all the best markets, including export. We’re also committed to helping decarbonize industry through carbon capture, transport and storage, hydrogen and renewable solutions.

Our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of our journey these past 75 years. Your trust and support have been the driving force behind our success. We will continue to earn your trust.

Thank you for your business. We will deliver.

Man in casual attire sitting on a sofa

Colin Gruending
President, Liquids Pipelines