2025 Liquids Pipelines
Your first-choice energy delivery partner
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President’s message

As we step into our 76th year, I am both grateful for your partnership, and optimistic about our shared future. Your support has been essential to Enbridge’s journey, and I want to personally thank you for being a part of it.

Looking ahead, I’d like to share our key focus areas for 2025, designed to ensure we stay ready to meet your evolving needs, safely and reliably.

Safety, reliability and technological advancements

Our focus this year continues to be safely and reliably delivering your crude oil and liquids products from major production basins like the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), the Bakken and the Permian to key refining hubs and export terminals. We remain relentlessly dedicated to safety and continue to strengthen efforts on safe operations, system integrity and safe delivery. We will continue to optimize our Mainline operations and expand capabilities to connect you to major refinery markets such as Eastern Canada, the U.S. Midwest and U.S. Gulf Coast, and marine terminals for international exports. By leveraging technological advancements and innovative solutions, we are working to enhance our efficiency, providing strategic market connectivity, optionality and flexibility for your products. We'll do this while maintaining high product quality throughout the system.

Strategic expansions and optimizations

We are always looking for opportunities to optimize our systems to align with your growth strategies.

This includes potential expansion projects on the Mainline and Express/Platte systems. For egress out of WCSB, Enbridge is strategically well-positioned to optimize our assets through capital efficient and low-risk execution. As industry readies to increase production, we’ll work alongside you to provide incremental expansions to strengthen your optionality and flexibility to North America's largest refining hubs and beyond.

“Enbridge is strategically well-positioned to optimize our assets through capital efficient and low-risk execution.”

Along our U.S. Gulf Coast supersystem, you will see increased flexibility through a 120-kbpd expansion of the Gray Oak system, and increased capacity at the Enbridge Ingleside Energy Center with added storage and marine dock capability. This additional pipe and storage capacity can be provided at highly competitive rates and staged to match production growth to enable you more access to global markets.

Industry support and customer focus

Our relationship with you, our customers, and our commitment to the industry remains a top priority, and we deeply appreciate your continued trust and partnership. We stand firm in continuing our work as an advocate and influential voice for the industry and permitting policy. With our unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service, including reliability, safety, operational excellence and a unique commercial approach, our dedicated teams will continue to deliver value for your business.

Your priorities will always drive our strategy, and we plan to deliver.

Man in casual attire sitting on a sofa

Colin Gruending
President, Liquids Pipelines