Continuing our path to reconciliation

We are at a pivotal moment in history—an awakening—to reset and build a foundational relationship. There is a shifting of awareness to Indigenous history, culture, rights, engagement and inclusion occurring across North America.

At Enbridge, we believe we can, and should, be a leader in our industry in Indigenous engagement, inclusion, and awareness—because we have learned we can go further together.

In September 2022, we released our Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan (IRAP), which continues our long-held commitment to strengthening relationships with Indigenous communities across North America and advancing reconciliation. An important next step, it allows us to track and report on our progress against tangible commitments.

Read our Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan.

Community partnerships in action
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How we engage

We want to hear from you

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We want to hear from you

Send us your feedback and we’ll respond promptly.

Email us:
Call us toll free: 1-855-459-0710

We want to hear from you

Send us your feedback and we’ll respond promptly.

Email us:
Call us toll free: 1-855-459-0710

Respect and trust
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Arrow An arrow pointing diagonally up and to the right
Vital public works project fuels the future of this Wisconsin Tribe

With the support of Enbridge and several other partners, the Lac Courte Oreilles (LCO) Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, in northwest Wisconsin, quadrupled its wastewater treatment capacity—allowing for creation of a new preschool, fire hall, apartment complex and police HQ.

A collaborative solution when controlling dust is a ‘must’

In the summer of 2023, Enbridge partnered with Cypher Environmental and Subcan Ltd. for an environmentally friendly dust suppression solution at Swan Lake First Nation. The effort helped keep participants and visitors safe during the Nation’s 25th anniversary powwow celebration.

Broadband access opens doors to learning

In the Minnesota communities of Mahnomen, Waubun and Ogema, internet access can be spotty at best. That’s all changing with a $366,000 Enbridge grant to the Mahnomen and Waubun-Ogema-White Earth school districts to provide broadband access for 1,400 students. “Broadband service really is granting access to equitable learning. It’s very important,” notes Lisa, superintendent of the Waubun-Ogema-White Earth district.

Safety and emergency response
Our commitment to the environment
Safety of people, and protection of the environment, is our top priority. Whether we’re planning, building, maintaining or operating a pipeline, we take special care to minimize our impact on the surrounding environment.

From wildlife protection strategies, to Horizontal Directional Drilling, to using pre-existing corridors of activity, to habitat restoration, we work hard to minimize our long-term impact to land along our pipeline routes.

Sustainability at Enbridge
Sustainability is central to everything we do. We’ve committed to net-zero GHG emissions from our operations by 20501, 3—and reducing emissions intensity from our operations 35% by 2030.1, 2

We have an important role to play in providing access to cleaner energy. That role involves contributing to GHG reductions goals, and seeking new and improved ways to deliver energy safely, responsibly and sustainably.

Pipeline construction: Safety and the environment

1 GHG emissions included within our targets are from assets over which we have operational control (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions). Projected reductions of GHG emissions intensity and absolute emissions is relative to the 2018 baseline year. For more information, see our 2023 Sustainability Report.
2 This metric aggregates emissions and throughput for each business unit on the basis of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per energy delivered in petajoules (“PJ”).
3 Absolute emissions.