Line 5 Wisconsin Segment Relocation Project Newsroom

Welcome to Enbridge's Line 5 Wisconsin Segment Relocation Project newsroom, with information on the proposed relocation of a 12-mile section of the pipeline that currently runs through the Bad River Reservation. Line 5 is a vital link to propane and other energy supplies for the upper Midwest, and has been safely operating across northern Wisconsin since 1953.

Explore this newsroom to find operational, project details and newsroom updates, and to learn more about our ongoing investment in Wisconsin communities.

Media representatives can contact us via telephone at 1-888-992-0997 or via email at

Project support at USACE hearing
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Line 5 in Wisconsin: Consider the alternative
The Line 5 underground pipeline was built in 1953 to remove oil-carrying tanker traffic from the Great Lakes, and avoid oil transportation by truck and rail. We’ve been safely operating Line 5 for more than 65 years.

Consider the alternative. If we were to transport the same amount of product by tanker truck, an estimated 2,100 trucks would need to travel east every day on US-2 from Superior to transport products currently carried by Line 5.

Our commitment to the environment
Safety of people, and protection of the environment, is our top priority. Whether we’re planning, building, maintaining or operating a pipeline, we take special care to minimize our impact on the surrounding environment.

From wildlife protection strategies, to Horizontal Directional Drilling, to using pre-existing corridors of activity, to habitat restoration, we work hard to minimize our long-term impact to land along our pipeline routes.

Sustainability at Enbridge
Sustainability is central to everything we do. Across our business, we’ve committed to net-zero GHG emissions from our operations by 20501, 3—and reducing emissions intensity from our operations 35% by 2030.1, 2

We have an important role to play in providing access to cleaner energy. That role involves contributing to GHG emission reductions goals and seeking new and improved ways to deliver energy safely, responsibly and sustainably.

Pipeline construction: Safety and the environment
Latest newsroom updates
Caring for the Wisconsin community
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‘Prepared and ready to go’

Enbridge recently held an emergency response training exercise in Saxon, WI alongside local and regional emergency response groups. While we focus heavily on prevention at Enbridge, as a responsible pipeline operator we’re also committed to emergency response readiness.

‘I call Enbridge my neighbors’

Kelly and her husband Doug own and operate a hobby farm on the Minnesota-Wisconsin border, with Enbridge pipelines crossing their property. “I have found all the land agents to be really easy to work with,” says Kelly.

Connecting Wisconsin communities with nature

Copper Falls State Park is a 600-acre jewel in northern Wisconsin. A pair of Enbridge grants will help connect local communities to this majestic park by establishing a new walking and cycling trail: “We can all work together to create a project that we can all be proud of—that all of us can use.”

Superior Terminal tank safety drill

“We’re practicing for the scenarios that we hope will never happen.” Chief Scott Gordon of the Superior, WI, Fire Department says he knows of no other mutual aid groups with emergency response preparedness like the Superior Petroleum Partnership.

Project information
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Tribal engagement
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The construction process
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